What kind of rod do you use for crabbing?

What kind of rod do you use for crabbing?

Also, depending what type of crab you are catching, they may weigh up to 2-3 pounds each (like Dungeness crab) so a medium action, medium/heavy power rod would be sufficient for this application. A strong, sturdy rod like this Ugly Stick (Shakespeare Medium Action Ugly Stik Bigwater Combo ) should work fine.

How do you catch crabs on a fishing line?


How do you catch a crab?


What kind of reel is used for crabbing?

I recommend at least a size 6000 reel, anything larger would be ideal. A good way to go is an 8000 size reel; it'll go great with your 10' fishing pole. The larger the size the easier it will be on your wrists to reel in those heavy crab snares.

Can you go crabbing with a fishing rod?

Although use of crab drop nets and traps are common methods of catching blue crabs, you can also harvest crabs with a rod and reel. Using a rod and reel may make you feel more connected with the activity because you have to hold the rod and wait for the strike.

What's the best thing to go crabbing with?

- Crab Attractant. Crab attractants are usually made from natural fish oil and other baits. - Chicken Necks and Other Parts. Chicken necks are the best bait to catch blue crabs. - Razor Clams. - Anchovies/Small Fish. - Mink Carcasses. - Turkey Necks. - Squid. - Salmon Head.

How do you rig a collapsible crab trap?


How long do you leave a crab trap in the water?

Depending on crab abundance in an area, soaking a trap for as little as half an hour or up to a few hours can be sufficient for a good harvest. Bait that attracts crab includes fish offal or fish heads.

Which side is up on a crab trap?

The bait door goes down, and the holding pen portion is on top. The crabs climb up the walls looking for an escape route and end up in the top of the trap were they can't get out or eat at the bait.Apr 8, 2008