What is the sum of 3 5 & 2 7?

What is the product of 3 5 x2 7?

3/5 * 2/7 = 635 ≅ 0.1714286 Spelled result in words is six thirty-fifths.

What is 3/5 as a fraction?

Fraction Equivalent Fractions Decimal -------- -------------------- ------- 3/5 6/10 .6 4/5 8/10 .8 1/6 2/12 .166 5/6 10/12 .833

What is the fraction of 2 3 and 3 5?

Answer: 2/3 + 3/5 as a fraction is 19/15.

What is the fraction of 3/5 and 2 7?

Answer: 3/5 + 2/7 can be represented as 31/35 as a fraction after addition. Let's understand this in detail. Explanation: To solve the given problem, we need to add the given fractions using the common denominator property of fractions.

How do u find the sum of a fraction?

Sum of fractions with the same denominator To add fractions with the same denominator you have to add the numerators and leave the same denominator. Since the 2 fractions have the same denominator, what we have to do is keep the same denominator, which is 4, and add the numerators.2 Jun 2021

What is the product of 5/6 and 2/3 as a fraction?

2/3 multiplied by 5/6=10/18.

How do u find the product?

You can find each product of a number by multiplying it by another number. For example, 27 is a product of 9 and 3, because 9 x 3 = 27.

How do you find the product of a fraction?


What is 3.5 as a fraction in simplest form?


What is 3/5 as a fraction and percent?
