What is the geo device?

What is the geo device?

A Geo-Device is a geographically aware iPhone or Android device that can be configured to automate home settings and initiate additional notifications based on the location of the Geo-Device relative to your home, office, or other location.

How do I remove a geo-device from alarm com?

- Log into the Alarm.com customer website. - Select “Settings” - Click “Geo-Services” - Select the specific device you want to delete. - Click the trash can icon. - Click “Ok”

How do I set up my ADT Geo Services?


Should I enable location services on my iPhone?

Location Services is designed to protect your information and enable you to choose what you share. ... To use features such as these, you must enable Location Services on your iPhone and give your permission to each app or website before it can use your location data.

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