What is ice slang for?

What is ice slang for?

We believe in the free flow of information Ice is a slang name for crystal methamphetamine a stimulant drug that is swallowed, smoked or injected. Ice is also called shabu, tina, T, crystal and meth.Jul 6, 2016

How do drugs cause heart attacks?

The more prominent drugs associated with cardiovascular disease are the stimulants and opioid drugs. These may increase the risk of vascular and/or heart disorders by disrupting the balance of certain neurotransmitters, called catecholamines, in the body and brain.

What drugs were used in the war?

The First World WarFirst World WarFrom the outbreak of World War I, Woodrow Wilson pursued two goals: a non-punitive peace settlement to end the conflict and a reformation of world politics through an international peace-keeping organization to prevent such wars in the future.https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net › article › war_aimWar Aims and Peace Discussions (USA) was by no means an exception in that respect: its main “war drugs” were alcohol (mostly beer, brandy, rum, schnapps, wine, and vodka), morphine, and cocaine. These were both “prescribed” by military authorities and “self-prescribed” by soldiers.Mar 7, 2019

What are military go pills?

In contrast to the sleeping agents, a go pill refers to a wakefulness-promoting agent used for fatigue management, especially in a military combat-readiness context; this is contrasted with a no-go pill, which is used to promote sleep in support of combat operations.

When was Pervitin invented?


Who owned Pervitin?

Formerly Temmler Werke Vereinigte Chemische Fabriken H. Temmler Preuß & Temmler AG ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key people Directors: Werner Schneider Matthias Utrata Brands Pervitin Owner Aenova Holding GmbH (since 2012) Number of employees 1000 (2011)

What was in Panzerschokolade?

According to the image, the chocolate should contain laurel and pervitin, a drug containing metamphetamine, which was handed out to soldiers during the Second World War to make them more efficient - "handmade in the Hermann Göring chocolate factory".

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