What does the French phrase ménage à trois mean?

What does the French phrase ménage à trois mean?

1 : an arrangement in which three people (such as a married couple and a lover of one member of the couple) have a sexual or romantic relationship especially while they are living together. 2 : a sexual encounter involving three people : threesome.

Where does ménage à trois come from?

The phrase is a loan from French meaning "household of three". A form of polyamory, contemporary arrangements are sometimes identified as a throuple, thruple, or triad.

What does ménage mean in English?


What does ménage à trois translate?

or menage a trois noun, plural mé·na·ges à trois [mey-nah-zhiz ah -trwah]. a domestic arrangement in which three people, usually a heterosexual couple and one other person, are engaged in a sexual or romantic relationship and occupy the same household.

What does it mean when someone says Moi?

We have all heard golf adverts, equipment gurus and coaches use this acronym all the time to the point where they assume everyone knows what MOI means and what it actually signifies. The acronym MOI means 'Moment of Inertia' and in a golfing context this is a measurement of a club's resistance to twisting.

What is a menage a deux?

noun. (also menage a deux) A relationship or domestic arrangement involving two people living together.

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