What does a € represent?

What does a € represent?

The € symbol is used to represent the euro currency, ¥ represents the Japanese yen, and ƒ signifies a florin, such as the Aruban Florin.

What character is ó?

Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Tilde -------------------- --------------------------------- UTF-16 Encoding: 0x00C3 UTF-32 Encoding: 0x000000C3 Lowercase Character: ã (U+00E3) Decomposition: A (U+0041) - ◌̃ (U+0303)

What kind of character is â?

 is the 3rd letter of the Romanian alphabet and represents /ɨ/, which is also represented in Romanian as letter î.

What character is 0xC3?

Which character is Ã?

A with tilde (majuscule: Ã, minuscule: ã) is a letter of the Latin alphabet formed by addition of the tilde diacritic over the letter A. It is used in Portuguese, Guaraní, Kashubian, Taa, Aromanian, and Vietnamese.

Why does É become Ã?

The reason lies in the UTF-8 representation. Characters below or equal to 127 ( 0x7F ) are represented with 1 byte only, and this is equivalent to the ASCII value. “é” is therefore between 127 and 2027 (233), so it will be coded on 2 bytes. Therefore its UTF-8 representation is 11000011 10101001 .30 Apr 2010

What does â € stand for?

character encoding issue

What does â € œ mean?


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