What is the largest parcel I can send with Hermes?
You can send parcels that weigh up to 15kg and are 120cm long. We also have a maximum volume of 245cm, to calculate this yourself you just need to add together the 2 shortest dimensions and multiply this by 2. Add the length and if the number you get is less than 245 then you're good to go.
Who has the cheapest shipping rates for large packages?
While FedEx and UPS Ground services offer similar delivery times, USPS typically offers the lowest rates. If a package weighs over 7 lbs or so, though, UPS and FedEx start offering more competitive rates.
What if my Hermes parcel is too big?
If any parcel is overweight or oversized then we'll send the additional costs on to you and keep your parcel until we receive payment.
Can I send furniture by Hermes?
Great delivery service for large items - right into the home When delivering furniture, washing machines and televisions, provide more service to customers with our Hermes Two-Man Handling service. They will be impressed by your business's professionalism.