What company owns SSENSE?

What company owns SSENSE?

Industry Fashion -------- -------------- Website www.ssense.com

Is SSENSE privately owned?

Ssense is still privately held by Mr. Atallah and his brothers, so little financial information about the company has been shared publicly.

Why is SSENSE cheap?

Why Is SSENSE so cheap? One of the main reasons why SSENSE is so cheap is that the company buys its products from brands all over the Internet. To create competition, many brands lower their prices. This allows SSENSE to offer attractive price tags to their customers as well.

Is SSENSE a Canadian company?

SSENSE, pronounced [es-uhns], is a Montreal-based fashion platform with global reach. Founded in 2003, SSENSE is pacing the vanguard of directional retail with a mix of luxury, streetwear, and avant-garde labels.

Why is SSENSE so successful?

SSENSE The Canadian answer to online fashion An online fashion platform that has become a huge brand in its own right. The driving force behind this success has undoubtedly been SSENSE's appeal to well-educated, well-dressed, well-moneyed millennials (nearly 80% of their audience between 18 and 34).

What does SSENSE stand for?

SSENSE (pronounced “essence”) is an online fashion platform that sells products from a selection of luxury, streetwear and avant-garde designers brands from Versace to Valentino to Vans. But it has transcended the status of third party e-commerce company to become a huge brand in its own right.

Where is SSENSE based out of?


What makes SSENSE unique?

SSENSE ships its merchandise to more than 136 countries and offers customer service in English, French, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese. “Growth, and particularly sustainable growth, is made possible by taking calculated risks and making good investments,” explains Firas.Sep 7, 2018

Who is SSENSE target market?

18 to 34 year old customers

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