What are the 3 methods of pest control explain?

What are the 3 methods of pest control explain?

Most specific insect control methods can be classified into the following major categories: cultural control, host resistance, physical control, mechanical control, biological control, and chemical control. Not all are appropriate or useful in the home garden.

What are the different methods of pest control?

Depending on the type of pests, we can distinguish several different pest control methods which include biological pest control, mechanical pest control, physical pest control, poisoned bait, field burning, trap cropping and the use of pesticides.Sep 28, 2017

What are 3 ways to prevent pest and insects?

- Remove any sources of food, water or shelter. - Store items in safe and enclosed containers. - Dispose of garbage regularly with a tightly closed lid. - Reduce clutter or areas where pests can hide. - Seal and close off any cracks or holes to eliminate outside entry.

What is the most common method of pest control?


What are the 4 types of pest control?

Four main categories of pest controls form IPM's foundation: cultural, biological, mechanical/physical and pesticide controls. The four work hand in hand to provide targeted, effective, long-term pest management, and each category plays a special role.

What are 3 ways to control pests?

- Registered Pesticide. A registered pesticide is a term for a pesticide that can legally be used in the United States. ... - Insect Growth Regulators. Insects go through different stages as they grow into adults. ... - Repellents. ... - Pheromones.