There is a snow forecast in Lubbock, Texas right now.

There is a chance of snow before noon.The high is near 31 F.There is a 70% chance of precipitation.There is a chance for new snow to accumulate between 1 and 2 inches.

There is a map on

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Moderate to severe weather can be found in the Texas Panhandle during the winter months.Fence post and barb wire only collect tumble weeds when there is harsh winds.The definition of flat was created in the Lubbock/Plainview area.An old Hick Farm Boy was a US Navy vet.

Is it really an Ice Age right now?

7.Lubbock people have biggeraboobs than you think when it comes to weather.The ice storms are a joke for the rest of the country because they pretend they have no idea what a Southern freeze-over is like.Every car in Lubbock is covered in two inches of dust.These people are so tough.

Looks like the Lubbockians have cried before, who is going to be alive now? jokes/city jokes

Texas Tech is located in Lubbock, Texas.Being a native of Canada, Dr. Hayhoe should know how to shovel the snow.Unless she gave away her shovel.

It reminds me of the cowboy movies where the cowboys are ice encrusted, didn't you move to be warmer Robert?I saw that the Atacama deserts were flooded again, it looks like it's becoming a less rare event.The wildflowers are brilliant again.