There is a complete guide to the royal title, why are people from the Netherlands called Dutch, and what are the duties of a duchess.

The Dutch are a West Germanic ethnic group native to the Netherlands.They have a common ancestry and speak the Dutch language.Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities all over the world.The Low Countries were located around the border of France and the Holy Roman Empire, forming a part of their respective peripheries.In the 16th and 17th century, the Northern Netherlands gained independence from Spain and became the Dutch Republic.Dutch society had a high degree of urbanization at a relatively early date.The first series of large-scale Dutch migrations outside of Europe took place during the Republic.

The Dutch people are often seen as the pioneers of capitalism, and their emphasis on a modern economy, secularism and a free market has been influential worldwide.There are 34 and 35 words.

Various forms of traditional music, dances, architectural styles and clothing can be found in the Dutch traditional arts and culture.Rembrandt, Vermeer and Van Gogh are some of the best Dutch painters.Christianity was the dominant religion of the Dutch, although the majority are no longer religious.The majority of the Dutch are followers of at least one religion.36 and 37

The ethnogenesis of the Dutch has been a long and complex process.Though the majority of the Dutch ethnic group's defining characteristics have accumulated over the years, it is difficult to clearly identify the exact emergence of Dutch people.For Dutch national history, please see the history-articles of the Netherlands, as the text below focuses on the Dutch ethnic group.Dutch colonial history can be found in the article on the Dutch Empire.

The Germanic tribes formed tribal societies with no apparent form of autocracy (chiefs only being elected in times of war), beliefs based Germanic paganism and speaking a dialect similar to Common Germanic.After the end of the migration period in the West around 500, a series of monumental changes took place within the Germanic societies.Their conversion from Germanic paganism to Christianity, the emergence of a new political system centered on kings, and a continuing process of emerging mutual unintelligibility of their various dialects are some of the most important of these.

The general situation is applicable to most if not all modern European ethnic groups with origins in the Germanic tribes, such as the Frisians, Germans, English and the North-Germanic peoples.The Franks formed a union of multiple smaller tribes in the Low Countries before forming the Frankish confederation.The area's Southern lands were settled as foederati by the Roman allies in charge of border defense in 358.40

Linguistically Old Frankish or Low Franconian evolved into Old Dutch in the 6th century and the Franks converted to Christianity from 500 to 700.The Frankish empire included a number of kingdoms and abandoned tribalism.

The population of the Frankish Empire was not dominated by Franks.Most of Western Europe was under the control of the Frankish leaders.The Low Countries and Northern France are part of the Empire.The general Gallo-Roman population took over the dialects of the Franks in Northern France, which eventually became French.The current Dutch-French language border has remained virtually the same since it was created, and could be seen as marking the furthest pale of Gallicization among the Franks.[46]

The cities of the Low Countries, which experienced major growth during the 11th and 12th century, were instrumental in breaking down the local form of feudalism.They used their economic strength to influence the politics of their nobility.The cities in the Low Countries gained huge autonomy and generally dominated or greatly influenced the various political affairs of the fief during the early 14th century.

The cities were catalysts for Dutch culture.Dutch epic literature such as Elegast, the Roelantslied and Van den vos Reynaerde were popular, and advanced education was no longer limited to the clergy.The necessity of water boards as well as the various city guilds.The Dutch delta and coastal regions have an extremely high degree of communal organization.Diets and Nederlands emerge around this time.[51]

In the second half of the 14th century, the dukes of Burgundy gained a foothold in the Low Countries through marriage.The most important fiefs were under Burgundian rule and complete control was achieved after the end of the Guelders Wars in 1543.The new episode in the development of the Dutch ethnic group was marked by the emergence of political unity, which strengthened the cultural and linguistic unity.

There was no sense of political unity among the Dutch people despite their linguistic and cultural similarities.[52]

The centralist policies of Burgundy in the 14th and 15th centuries, which were violently opposed by the cities of the Low Countries, changed this.The Burgundian Netherlands was a major economic burden during Charles the Bold's many wars.Mary of Burgundy was presented with a set of demands by the Low Countries after Charles' death.

Dutch, not French, should be the administrative language in the Dutch-speaking provinces, and the States-General had the right to hold meetings without the monarch's permission or presence were some of the demands met by the Great Privilege.The document was declared void by Mary's son and successor, Philip IV, but still all the fiefs presented their demands together, rather than separately.There was a sense of common interest among the provinces of the Netherlands by this time.The document clearly distinguishes between the Dutch and French parts of the Seventeen Provinces.

The Netherlands became part of the Habsburg lands after Mary's marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor.The policies of the Habsburgs, like their Burgundian predecessors, met with resistance but were still implemented.The Dutch Revolt was caused by the rule of Philip II of Spain, who sought further centralist reforms, along with religious dictates and excessive taxation.For the first time in their history, the Dutch provinces found themselves fighting a common enemy.The Dutch were consolidated as an ethnic group due to the growing number of Dutch intelligentsia and the Dutch Golden Age in which Dutch culture gained international prestige.

By the middle of the 16th century an overarching, 'national' (rather than 'ethnic') identity seemed in development in the Habsburg Netherlands, when inhabitants began to refer to it as their 'fatherland' and were beginning to be seen as a collective entity abroad.The Dutch revolted in what would become the Eighty Years' War after excessive taxation and attempts to diminish the traditional autonomy of the cities and estates in the Low Countries.The Dutch became independent from foreign rule for the first time in their history.The goal of freeing all the provinces and cities that had signed the Union of Utrecht, which roughly corresponds to the Dutch-speaking part of the Spanish Netherlands, was impossible during the war.Despite several attempts, the armies of the Republic were unable to expel the South, who were captured by Spain in the 1580s.The Peace of Mnster ended the Eighty Years' War and acknowledged the independence of the Dutch Republic.The Dutch have been separated from the Flemings in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands since 1830.

The Dutch colonial empire consisted of the overseas territories and trading posts that were controlled and administered by Dutch companies.Despite the relatively small size of their country, this and the innovations around it has left behind a substantial legacy.The British Empire, the Thirteen Colonies, and the United were all influenced by the Dutch people's emphasis on a free market and capitalism.[58]

Nationalism of the 19th and 20th centuries never really caught on in the Netherlands, and this, together with being a mono-ethnic society up until the late 1950s, has led to a relatively obscure use of terms nation and ethnicity.Even though other ethnicities make up 19.6% of the Netherlands' population, this obscurity continues to be used in a way that refers to the ethnic Dutch.Many Dutch people will object to being called Hollanders, as well as many Welsh and Scots, if they were to be called English.

The definition of Dutch cultural identity has become a topic of public debate in recent years due to the increasing influence of the European Union and the influx of non-Western immigrants.Dutch traditions are usually put to the back of the debate.60

Ethnicity is often referred to with the terms autochtoon and allochtoon.These legal concepts do not correspond to the more fluid concepts of ethnicity used by cultural anthropologists.

The Dutch saw the emergence of various Greater Netherlands- and pan-movements seeking to unite the Dutch-speaking peoples across the continent.There was a lot of writing about the subject during the first half of the 20th century.One of its most active proponents was the historian, who wrote De Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche stam ('The History of the Dutch tribe/ people'), as well as numerous essays on the subject.

Fascist elements tried to convince the Nazis to combine the Netherlands and Flanders during World War II.The Germans did not want to create a single pan-Germanic racial state as this would conflict with their ultimate goal.During the entire Nazi occupation, the Germans denied any assistance to Greater Dutch ethnic nationalism, and by decree of Hitler himself, actively opposed it.[64]

The 1970s marked the beginning of formal cultural and linguistic cooperation between Belgium and the Netherlands.

There are two ways in which the total number of Dutch can be defined.By taking the total of all people with full Dutch ancestry, according to the current CBS definition, an estimated 16,000,000 Dutch people, which would result in a number around 25,000,000.

Most Dutch people use Dutch as their main language.It is spoken by 29 million people.Old Frankish has a written record of more than 1500 years, but the material before 1200 is not complete.

Dutch is related to other languages in the West Germanic group.A number of West Germanic dialects underwent sound changes.The Second Germanic sound shift resulted in what is now English and West Frisian becoming high German.Dutch is a central position in the West Germanic languages group.

Standard Dutch has a sound inventory of 13 vowels, 6 diphthongs and 23 consonants, of which the voiceless velar fricative is considered a well known sound.The use of digraphs like Ee, Uu and Aa, as well as the ability to form long compounds, are well known features of the Dutch language.

There are many dialects in the Dutch language.The dialects are usually grouped into six main categories.Hollandic and Dutch Saxon are only spoken by Northerners.Cross border dialects include Brabantic, East Flemish, West-Flemish/Zeelandic and Limburgish.The dialectal situation is typified by the difference between 'Hard G' and 'Soft G.'There are approximately 28 distinct dialects.[67]

The Dutch language was also exported by Dutch immigrants.Dutch was a native language of some settlers in the United States until about 1900, when it ceased to be spoken by first generation Dutch immigrants.The region around New York was impacted by the Dutch language.Martin Van Buren's first language was Dutch.The Dutch immigrants of the 20th century began to speak the language of their new country quickly.Even though the percentage of Dutch heritage is higher, 0.7% of the inhabitants of New Zealand say their home language is Dutch.71

Dutch is an official language of many countries, including the Netherlands, the European Union, and the Union of South American Nations.Afrikaans is a daughter language of Dutch that is spoken in South Africa and Namibia.The Dutch, Flemish and Surinamese governments coordinate their language activities in the 'Dutch Language Union', an institution that is also responsible for governing the Dutch Standard language.

The origin of the word Dutch goes back to Proto-Germanic, the progenitor of all Germanic languages, and is similar to Old Dutch dietc, Old High German diutsch and Old English eodisc.The tribes among the Germanic peoples began to differentiate their meaning.The Anglo-Saxons of England stopped referring to themselves as eodisc and started using Englisc.Diets meaning "Dutch (people)" and "Deutsch" are two meanings of theudo.The English language first used Dutch to refer to the Germanic speakers on the European mainland.The Dutch, the Frisians and the Germans.The Germanic people had the most contact with, both because of their geographical proximity, but also due to the rivalry in trade and overseas territories: the people from the Republic of the Netherlands.

The Dutch refer to themselves as Nederlanders in the Dutch language.The Dutch word for "low" and "near the sea" is a reference to the geographical texture of the Dutch homeland.Although not as old as Diets, the term Nederlands has been in continuous use for over a century.[51]

Dutch surnames are easy to recognize.There are many types of surnames in Dutch.

Dutch names can have different spellings.For example, the name Backs is recorded as a part of the surname Baks.The pronunciation is the same even though it is written differently.For example, De Smit and De Smet both mean Smith.Dutch migrants in foreign environments often have their names changed in both pronunciation and spelling.

Germanic paganism and Celtic elements were present in the ancestors of the Dutch prior to Christianity.The first missionaries arrived in the 6th century.Most of the inhabitants were converted by Anglo-Saxon missionaries by the 8th century.Christianity has been the dominant religion in the region.

In the early 16th century, the Protestant Reformation began to form and spread in the Westhoek and the County of Flanders, where secret open-air sermons were held.The ruler of the Dutch regions, Philip II of Spain, felt it was his duty to fight Protestantism and after the wave of iconoclasm, sent troops to crush the rebellion and make the Low Countries a Catholic region once more.The Protestants fled North in large numbers.The Dutch Protestants were concentrated in the north of the river Rhine, while the Catholic Dutch were in Spain.Protestantism did not spread South after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.

According to a study conducted by Statistics Netherlands, a majority of the population in contemporary Dutch are irreligious.The Roman Catholics are the largest Christian group with 24%.5% Muslims and 6% others are buddhists.People of Dutch ancestry in the United States and South Africa are more religious than their European counterparts; for example, the numerous Dutch communities of western Michigan remain strongholds of the Reformed Church in America.

There is a cultural difference between the formerly Protestant North and the now Catholic South in Dutch culture.Historians have historically paid attention to this subject, including Carel Gerretson.The historical pluriformity of the Dutch cultural landscape has given rise to several theories aimed at both identifying and explaining cultural divergences between different regions.A.J. proposed one theory.The lower regions of the Netherlands were feudalised during the Middle Ages, and as a result there are differences in mentality between the southeastern and northwestern regions.There is a cultural divide between the urban agglomeration in the West of the country and the other provinces.

In Dutch, the cultural division between North and South is referred to as below/above the great rivers, as the Rhine and Meuse form a natural boundary between the Northern Dutch and the Southern Dutch.The North used to be mostly Protestant and the South had a majority of Catholics.Linguistic differences along the Rhine/Meuse rivers and historical economic development of both regions are important elements in any dissimilarity.

Cultural pluriformity can be found on a smaller scale in local architecture.Many of the current Dutch provinces were de facto independent states for much of their history, as well as the importance of local Dutch dialects, which often correspond with the provinces themselves, has been attributed to this wide array of regional identities positioned within such a relatively small area.[84]

Protestantism is marked by the Northern Dutch culture.Protestant-influenced values and custom are still present even though many do not adhere to Protestantism anymore.When compared to Southerners, the Northern Dutch are more pragmatic, favor a direct approach, and have a less-exuberant lifestyle.The use of "Dutch" itself as the demonym for the country in which they form a majority in the Netherlands has formed the dominant vanguard of the Dutch language and culture on a global scale.Northerners speak any of the Hollandic, Zeelandic and Dutch Low Saxon dialects, or are influenced by them when they speak the Standard form of Dutch.The traditional centre of the region has been the provinces of North and South Holland, although for a brief period during the 13th or 14th century it lay more towards the east.The Northern Dutch cultural area is located in the Netherlands and has a population of 10,000,000.The Southern Dutch culture area is more influenced by French influence than the Northern Dutch.[87]

The West Frisians are an ethnic group in the north of the Netherlands.The main difference between modern Frisians and the (Northern) Dutch is the fact that they speak the same languages.[88]

The Interfrisian Council was established in 1956 to promote and develop linguistic and cultural ties across the wider area of Frisia.The council wants the German and Dutch governments to promote their cultures.[88]

According to a 1970 inquiry, West Frisians identified themselves more with the Dutch than they did with any of the others.A 1984 study found that 39% of the inhabitants of Friesland were mostly Frisian.The remaining 25% claimed to be Dutch, but also Frisian.Frisians are not against the Dutch people in official statistics.[94]

The other Frisian groups in nearby areas and across national borders have cultural ties with the WestFrisians.92

In the Netherlands itself, "West-Frisian" refers to the Hollandic dialect spoken in the northern part of the province of North-Holland known as West-Friesland.The South Sea was known as Frisia until it was invaded in the early Middle Ages.The Frisian influence lasted longest in the northernmost part of Friesland, which is now known as North-Holland.

The areas in which the population was traditionally Catholic make up the Southern Dutch sphere.The southern regions were more developed and powerful during the early Middle Ages.At the end of the Dutch Revolt, it became clear that the Habsburgs were unable to reconquer the North, while the South's military was too weak to conquer it.The Southern Dutch, including Dutch Brabant and Limburg, remained Catholics.The Dutch dialects spoken by this group are Brabantic, South Guelderish, Limburgish and East and West Flemish.In the Netherlands, the phrase boven/onder de rivieren means above or below the Rhine and the Meuse.French culture has influenced the culture of the southern Dutch.[87]

The Dutch-speaking populations of the Netherlands and Belgium have a number of common characteristics, with a mostly shared language, some generally similar or identical customs, and no clearly separate ancestral origin or origin myth.[94]

Depending on subject matter, locality, and personal background, the popular perception of being a single group varies greatly.Most of the time, the Flemish will not identify themselves as being Dutch on a national level.The "cultural extremes" of both Northern and Southern culture are behind the popular stereotypes of the Netherlands and Flanders.The transitional area formed by the Southern provinces of the Netherlands and most Northern reaches of Belgium are ignored by these stereotypes.This self-perceived split between Flemings and Dutch, despite the common language, may be compared to how Austrians do not consider themselves to be Germans.The Catholic Austrians and Flemish don't see themselves as sharing the same Protestant identities as their northern counterparts.

In the case of Belgium, the Dutch language and culture were taken over by the French government.This was followed by a nationalist backlash during the late 19th and early 20th centuries that saw little help from the Dutch government (which for a long time following the Belgian Revolution had a reticent and contentious relationship with the newly formed Belgium and a largely indifferent attitude towards its Dutch-speaking inhabitants).[98]

The largest patterns of human genetic variation within the Netherlands show strong correlations with geography.There are differences in the distribution of genes for eye colour, metabolism, brain processes, body height and immune system.[99]

The largest genetic differences within the Netherlands can be seen between the North and the South, with three major rivers as a border.The European North-South cline is very similar to the Dutch one, with several similarities, such as a correlation with height, blue/brown eye colour, and genome-wide homozygosity.The serial founder effect is thought to have been started with the ancient successive out-of-Africa migrations.It is not certain if these events took place within the borders of the Netherlands, or if Southern Europeans have migrated more to the South.[99]

The segregation of the Catholic South and the Protestant North during the last centuries likely maintained the North-South differences.There was a large increase of non- religious people in the Netherlands over the last 50 years.The spouses of religious people are more likely to come from a different genetic background than those of non-religious people.100

Since World War II, most of the Dutch have left the Netherlands for Canada, Germany, the United States, Belgium, Australia, and South Africa.The United Kingdom, France, Spain, Turkey, and New Zealand have large Dutch communities.[29]

A number of Dutchmen moved during the German eastward expansion between the 10th and 13th century.After the capture of territory along the Elbe and Havel Rivers in the 1160s, Dutch settlers from flooded regions in Holland used their expertise to build dikes in Brandenburg.Prussia invited several waves of Dutch and Frisians to settle throughout the country from the 13th to the 15th centuries.

In the early-to-mid-16th century, Mennonites began to move from the Low Countries to the Vistula Delta region in Royal Prussia, seeking religious freedom and exemption from military service.The exemption from military service on religious grounds was eliminated after the partition of Poland.The Mennonites moved to Russia.They were offered land near the river.settlers left for Siberia to find fertile landThe Russian capital, Moscow, had a number of Dutch immigrants.Anna Mons was the mistress of Peter the Great.

Since the establishment of Germany itself in 1872, most Dutch who lived on the eastern side of the German border have been assimilated.There are cultural marks that can still be found.A number of border districts have towns and villages with an etymologically Dutch origin.Dutch is the traditional dialect in the area around Cleves.The cities historically housing many Dutch traders have retained Dutch exonyms.

Europeans ignored South Africa until the Dutch East India Company established its first outpost at Cape Town in 1652.Dutch colonisers arrived shortly thereafter, making the Cape home to the oldest Western-based civilization south of the Sahara.Some of the earliest mulatto communities in the country were formed through unions between people.The major South African ethnic group, Cape Coloureds, adopted the Dutch language and culture.South African whites closed ranks to protect their privileged status as the number of Europeans in the Cape grew.[109]

tracts of land were granted to married Dutch citizens who wanted to live in South Africa for at least twenty years.They were joined by the French Huguenots fleeing religious persecution at home after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.The Company gave free passage to any Dutch families who wanted to resettle at the Cape.Around the end of Dutch rule in South Africa in 1806, there were 13,360 Dutch people living in the country.[ 114]

The trekboers created their own sub-culture centered around a semi-nomadic lifestyle and isolated patriarchal communities.Afrikaners, rather than Dutchmen, were the new people in Africa by the 18th century.115

Afrikaners are dominated by two main groups, the Cape Dutch and Boers, which are partly defined by different traditions of society, law, and historical economic bases.Afrikaner culture has been shaped by three centuries in South Africa.English, Malay-Portuguese creole, and various African languages have influenced the development of Afrikaans.Dutch was taught to South African students as late as 1914 and a few upper-class Afrikaners used it in polite society, but the first Afrikaans literature appeared in 1861.Dutch official status was granted by the Union of South Africa, but it was not until 1925 that Parliament recognised Afrikaans as a separate language.It is different from Standard Dutch by several pronunciations borrowed from Malay, German, or English, as well as the loss of case and gender distinctions.The dialects are no longer considered mutually intelligible.[118]

Dutch immigration to South Africa increased for the first time in a hundred years in the 1950s.Between 1950 and 2001, the country gained around 45,000 Dutch immigrants, making it the sixth most popular destination for citizens of the Netherlands living abroad.[29]

South East Asia, Taiwan, and Japan have had a Dutch presence since the 16th century.The first Europeans the people living there encountered were the Dutch.Between 1602 and 1796, the VOC sent almost a million Europeans to work in Asia.The majority of them died of disease or went back to Europe, but a few made the Indies their new home.The interaction between the Dutch and indigenous populations took place in Sri Lanka and the modern Indonesian Islands.Dutch soldiers married local women and settled in the colonies.The population of mixed Dutch and Indonesian descent was developed through the centuries.Dutchmen were expelled following the Indonesian Revolt.The majority of this group lives in the Netherlands.Statistics show that the largest minority group in the Netherlands is the Indos.[118]

There are a small number of Dutch people in the country.There is a small number of Dutch people in the forts.The majority of the Dutch population is in Accra.

After World War II, a sharp increase in Dutch emigration to Australia occurred, despite the fact that the Dutch were the first Europeans to visit Australia and New Zealand.Poor economic prospects for many Dutchmen as well as increasing demographic pressures in the post-war Netherlands were a powerful incentive to emigrate.Australia has a shortage of agricultural and metal industry workers and the Dutch government is promoting emigration.[122]

The effects of Dutch migration to Australia can still be felt.A Dutch-language newspaper continues to be published.In the large cities, the Dutch have remained tightly knit.More than 300,000 people of Dutch ancestry live in Australia and less than 100,000 in New Zealand.[122]

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