There are a lot of ways you can stretch out your football boots.If you want to stretch your boots out, try a method that involves heating them with a hairdryer and then walking around in them.If you want to stretch out football boots without having to wear them, consider using a shoe stretcher or stuffing them with newspaper.This is a sign that you need a new pair of shoes.
Step 1: You can break your boots in by wearing them around the house.
Put on a pair of socks.As you do chores, cook food, or hang out with family, wear them around the house.If they start to hurt your feet, take them off for at least 30 minutes.Multiple pairs of socks will help stretch the boots out faster.If you have blisters on your feet, cover the spots with band-aids.
Step 2: Put water in your boots and socks to stretch them.
If you want to mist your socks and boots, fill a spray bottle with water, or pour the water directly onto each item.Your boots and socks need to be nice and damp.Put your socks and boots on and wear them for 30 minutes to an hour as they all dry.Cool tap water can be used.As your shoes are drying, move your feet around, doing football warm ups or simply wiggling your toes.It's a good idea to put Vaseline on areas you think might develop blisters.
Step 3: If you want to stretch your boots with heat, use a hairdryer.
Put on a pair of thick socks.Put a high heat setting on and heat up the boots for 5 minutes.Use the heat from the hairdryer to stretch out the boot if you hold the nozzle in one place for too long.Keep wearing the shoes for another 10 minutes so they don't stretch after you've heated them up.
Step 4: For 10 minutes, submerge your boots in hot water.
Put your cleats on your feet.Put your feet in a bucket or basin large enough to fit both of them at the same time.If your shoes don't have laces, pour hot water into the basin, submerging the sides and toes but not overtop the laces.Wear the boots in the hot water for 10 minutes and then wear them for another 30 minutes as they start to dry out.The glue in your shoes can be damaged if you use boiling or super hot water.The hot water makes the shoe flexible, and you can mold the shoes to your feet by wearing the boots as they dry.If your shoes are made of leather, apply a leather conditioner to them after they are out of the water.
Step 5: To retie your boots, loosen your shoe laces.
It is possible that the laces are making your boots feel tight.Put the shoe on your foot by undoing the laces all the way down to the tip.Retighten the laces around your foot if you want to adjust the tongue of the shoe.If you want a better fit, do the same thing with the other shoe.
Step 6: To stretch the boots, use a shoe stretcher.
There are a lot of different stretchers you can buy that will stretch out everything from the toes of your shoes to the sides.Attach a shoe stretcher to your shoe and adjust it to stretch out the areas that feel tight on your feet.You can leave your boot in the shoe stretcher for 24 hours.If you wanted to widen your shoe, you would use a stretcher.You can find shoe stretchers at your local big box store or online.
Step 7: You can stretch your boots in the freezer by putting a plastic bag full of water in them.
It's a good idea to put a plastic bag in each of your boots.If the shoe is full, fill the bag with water and close it by knotting it or zipping it closed.Put the shoes in the freezer to allow the water to expand as it gets colder.The water will completely freeze if you leave your boots in the freezer.Before you put the plastic bags in your shoes, make sure there are no holes in them.If you're having trouble getting the bag out of your shoes, let the ice melt for a few minutes.
Step 8: You can stretch out the upper portion of the boot by putting a tennis ball in the shoe.
Put a tennis ball as deep into each shoe as you can, if your boots feel tight on the top of your foot.Let the tennis balls stretch out the upper section of the boots.
Step 9: Stuff your football boots with newspapers.
Stuff newspapers and magazines all the way down into the toes of your shoes.You should put more newspaper in areas that are stretched.Allow the boots to sit overnight to fully stretch.Ensure you pack the newspaper tightly by stretching out the shoes.
Step 10: Use your hands to bend the boots.
If you are watching television or sitting on the sidelines of a game, take a boot in your hand and begin stretching it back and forth.The material will be broken in slowly if you manipulate it with your hands.Continue stretching the boots with your hands.