There are clean landscaping rocks.

Over time, landscaping rocks can become covered in dirt, weeds, and pine needles.It is possible to get your landscaping rocks to look new, and you can do it yourself.If you have smaller rocks, try sifting them over a screen to remove dirt.Use a power washer or push broom to remove stubborn dirt from larger rocks.If the rocks are dirty, you may want to use a mild acid solution to wash them.

Step 1: If you're cleaning a small area, cut a piece of mesh hardware cloth.

The easiest way to clean dirty landscaping rocks is to sift them through a piece of hardware cloth fencing.The rocks will stay on top of the screen, but any dirt and small debris will fall through the holes.The piece of screen that's about 2 ft is enough for this job.If your rocks are less than 1.3 cm, use 4 in (0.64 cm) screening instead.

Step 2: For big jobs, build a frame from lumber and use a screening tool.

You can use 2x4 lumber or scrap wood to build a frame that is at least 4 sq ft.Attach 2 in (1.3 cm) hardware cloth fencing that has been cut to the size of the frame with heavy-duty staplers.It is possible to make your screen large or small.The minimum size that would make this project work is about 4 sq ft, but you can build it to be much larger if you want.Extra pieces of wood may be needed at the bottom of the frame so the rocks don't put too much pressure on the screen.

Step 3: If you're worried about the clean up, put a tarp under the screen.

If you want a way to easily clean up the dirt that you sift out of the rocks, place a large tarp on the ground beneath your screen.When you are done, you can just lift the tarp and dump the dirt wherever you want.If you want, you can place the screen over the garbage can.

Step 4: A shovel is needed to scoop rocks.

Start cleaning at one side of the area that is covered by rocks.Pour the rocks onto the screen with a shovel.If you want to add another scoop of rocks to the first, try not to overload the screen since it can get heavy very quickly.Don't dig the shovel too deeply into the dirt underneath the rocks since that will give you a bigger mess to clean up when you're done.

Step 5: Use a hoe to rake the rocks on the screen.

If you use a smaller screen, you can shake it out with your hands.If you built a bigger frame, try using a rake to push the rocks across the screen.Dirt and debris can be seen immediately under the frame.Pull the debris out of the screen by hand if you see it.

Step 6: Return the rocks to their original spot or put them in their own pile.

There are two main ways to put the rocks back in place.You can either replace each scoop of rocks as you clean them, or you can set all of the clean rocks aside.You will probably end up cleaning some of the same rocks more than once if you replace the rocks as you clean them.If you want to move to a new section, you can clear out a small area, then replace the rocks in that spot.You can experiment to see what works best for you.

Step 7: Continue across the landscaping rocks.

If you want to work into the center, go all the way around the perimeter.If you put the rocks back in place as you go, you should be able to see which areas you already cleaned.If you can't complete a clear section in one day, try to complete another section the next day.Continue until the job is done.

Step 8: There was dirt under the screen that had to be cleaned up.

If the dirt is built up enough to interfere with the screen, use a push broom or shovel to remove it, or just lift it up if you put down a tarp.You can either add the dirt to your compost pile or dispose of it.If you put all the rocks aside at the end of the job, you can put the dirt on top of them.

Step 9: If you want to loosen the dirt, sweep the rocks.

It is a good idea to push a broom over the rocks before spraying them.Clean the surface of each rock from one end to the other.It will be easier to clean the rocks if there is dirt on the surface.If the rocks are rounded or creviced on top, try to sweep them off the best you can.

Step 10: If the rocks are not very dirty, you should scrub them with water and a broom.

If you can give your rocks a quick scrub, you may be able to make them look better.You can brush them with a scrub brush or push broom.You can rinse them off with clean water after you're done.This job may be easier if you use a sprayer attachment on your hose.The deeper cleaning power of a pressure washer is needed if the rocks are dirty.

Step 11: Put a pressure washer on.

Stand away from the area you want to clean, and hold the nozzle of the pressure washer at an angle so the water and dirt don't hit your face.Work from one end of the rocks to the other using a sweeping motion.The crevices should be sprayed all across the surface of the rocks.Even the most stubborn dirt should be blasted away by this.Since the force from a pressure washer can sometimes send debris flying, it is a good idea to wear safety equipment like long-sleeved clothing, long pants, and safety glasses.You can rent a pressure washer from a hardware store if you don't have one.

Step 12: If there's mold, scrub the stones with a solution of water and vinegar.

If you notice green or grey growing on the surface of your rocks, it is most likely mold or fungus growth.If you want to remove this, saturate the landscaping rocks with white vinegar and scrub them thoroughly with a push broom.You can rinse the rocks with your garden hose.If the mold is really stubborn, mix 4 cup of bleach with 2 US gal of water and apply that to the stones.Then rinse them with clean water.It may take more than one application to remove the mold.

Step 13: A wheelbarrow or bucket is needed to carry the landscaping rocks.

If your rocks need a deeper clean, scoop up a shovelful and pour the rocks into a wheelbarrow or a large bucket.You need to be able to lift the container, so don't overfill it.If you need to clean white landscaping rocks, you can use this trick.If you want to wash smaller rocks that might get blasted away by a pressure washer, this is a good technique.The bottom rocks won't be visible if you only wash the top layer.

Step 14: The rocks should be covered with a solution of bleach or vinegar.

White vinegar is powerful enough to break up dirt, so it's a great option for this.If you're cleaning white rocks, you might want to use a mixture of bleach and water.Put 4 cup of bleach into every 2 US gal of water and pour it over the rocks.Before you put your hands into the water, wear heavy-duty rubber gloves.For very dirty rocks, you should allow them to soak in the solution for about 20 minutes.

Step 15: Put the wheelbarrow in it's place and pour off the chemicals.

Dirt and debris will come off when you pour the acidic solution.You'll need to rinse the rocks off if you keep them in the bottom of the wheelbarrow or bucket.It's a good idea to be careful where you pour the bleach.Both will kill plants and bleach is harmful to pets and insects in the area.

Step 16: The rocks should be washed with clean water.

Put the water in the bucket and rinse them.You will need to do this many times in order to get the rocks clean.Over time bleach orvinegar can eat away at the rocks.You can return the clean rocks when you're done.

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