There are black spots on my bathroom ceiling. Are they mold?

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Black spots are growing on my bathroom above my tub.I think it's mold.How should I deal with this?What should it cost?

Why is it forming?If you just do the first step, it will come back.

If you want to remove the steam, you have to fit an extractor fan above the bath.After the light is switched off, you can get ones that wire up to the circuit and run on.

I am suggesting just soap and water to clean the mold, if that is what it is, since every answer suggests using a water-bleach solution.

I have the support of Health Canada and the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Council.CMHC has an interest in damage to mortgaged-backed homes and their typical clients are first-time home buyers who have little to no experience with home maintenance.

They don't recommend using bleach to clean mould.It's safer to use soap and water in poorly-ventilated spaces than it is in a moldy bathroom.

The CDC does not discourage the use of bleach for cleaning small areas of mould, but does give advice and instructions if you decide to use bleach.

We assume that this is a typical house hold mold and not something you'd need a professional to clean.Don't try to use soap and water for black mould that is more than 10 sqft.

You can start by spraying the mold with a solution of bleach and water.Wait a few days.

If you want to prevent it in the future, you should use a bathroom fan to allow the hot air to be exhausted outside rather than on the walls and ceiling.

They make mold-inhibiting paint.This may be an option for a long time.The bleach/water mixture is the first step.

It's probably mold.You should clean it up first.A weak solution of water and bleach should be used.

To make sure it doesn't come back, you'll want your bathroom to be well-ventilated.You should install a vent fan if you don't have one.You want to make sure you use it.It's a good idea to hook it up so it automatically turns on.

Home depot carries a mold-preventative that you can add to paint.I would recommend painting the ceiling.I've used it many times and it works well.

Warm water and some bleach will wash it off.Make sure your bathroom is well-ventilated after you take a shower.

If this was my house, I would want to make sure the source mold is not coming from the attic because cleaning the surface would be good.It could be that your attic is not properly vented and that the humidity is forming on the other side of the ceiling, which is bad for the finished side.A major issue would be indicated by this.If you see any mold above the bathroom, I would take a look at it.You will want to bring in the pros if that's the case.

A lot of people get mold in their bathroom because they don't have any air conditioning when they shower.

Simply open a window and let the steam out of the room while you shower.Such a simple solution.