Should you cut off a black toenail?

Should you cut off a black toenail?

If you have a damaged toenail, you might be tempted to remove it yourself. But while damaged toenails sometimes fall off on their own, it's not a good idea to force that process. Removing a damaged toenail yourself could lead to serious complications that end up making matters worse.7 dic 2020

Does nail fungus turn black when it dies?

Melanomas need immediate, urgent evaluation. A toenail can also become discolored from fungal infections in the skin under and around the nail. Toes can turn black from a lack of circulation causing gangrene, which is death of body tissue.13 nov 2015

Should I be worried about a black toenail?

A person should see a doctor if they experience a sudden, unexplainable black toenail, or if it does not heal with time and at-home treatments. In cases of trauma or injury, the discolored part of the nail will disappear as the nail grows out.29 nov 2017

Why are my toenails black and blue?

Fungal infections—like athlete's foot—can spread to your toenails and turn them shades of yellow, blue, green, brown, purple, and black, Sutera explains. This range in color is unique to fungus, as is the presence of subungual debris—a chalky white substance that lines the nail bed and often carries a funky odor.27 abr 2021

How do you treat black toenails?

What happens when your toenails turn black?

Black Toenail: Common Causes If your toenail turns black, it's most likely a bruise under the nail, technically called a subungual hematoma. You can get it from stubbing a toe or from footwear that cram your feet into the front of the shoe.29 may 2020

How do you lighten dark toenails?

Toenail discoloration can have several causes, including fungal infections and dark nail polish. A commercial toenail whitener can be used to lighten discolored toenails. Hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, baking soda, and even whitening toothpaste can also be used to whiten toenails naturally.

How long do black toes take to heal?

It will take between 6 to 9 months to go back to normal.24 jul 2019

What does it mean when your big toenail is discolored?

Nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is one of the most prevalent causes of toenail discoloration. The most common organism to cause toenail fungus is called dermatophyte. However, mold or yeast can also infect toenails. Dermatophytes grow by eating your body's keratin.20 mar 2019

How do you get rid of discolored toenails?

When toenails turn yellow, a fungus is usually to blame. This type of fungal infection is so common that you might not even need to see a doctor for treatment. Try an over-the-counter antifungal cream. If your nail is yellow and thick, gently file down the surface so that the drug can reach deeper layers.29 may 2020

What causes a discolored nail?

Nail discoloration, in which the nails appear white, yellow, or green, can result from different infections and conditions of the skin. In about 50% of cases, discolored nails are a result of infections with common fungi that can be found in the air, dust, and soil.

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