It's a good idea to calm yourself before meeting someone.
An important meeting, a job interview, or a first date could be on the horizon.You may be worried about how you are going to handle meeting someone new, and you might be anxious about what you say.Prepare by learning relaxation techniques to calm your nerves or by imagining a successful encounter with the person you are about to meet.Dressing appropriately and showing a positive attitude are some steps you can take when the time comes for your meeting.Meeting new people can cause some anxiety, but you can feel more confident if you are prepared.
Step 1: You should change your language.
You can feel butterflies in your stomach or chest.In our bodies, nervous energy and excited energy are very similar.It is possible to have your brain make the switch as well.If you want to see how your outlook changes, tell yourself that you are excited to meet this person.It is easier to be excited when you are anxious.You already have all the responses of excitement going on, so it's easier to make yourself believe you are excited, rather than force yourself to calm down.You may have a meeting with your bank.It sounds silly, but if you laugh at yourself, you can tell yourself that you are excited to talk about this loan.It will help you relax.If you're worried about your meeting, tell yourself how you are anticipating it.If you can tell other people as well, that would be even better.The more ways we can get the brain to process this as a positive event, the better.Tell your friend how much you are looking forward to meeting the person.
Step 2: Take a deep breath.
If you can clear your mind of worries, you will be able to breathe easier.Breathing can help reduce stress.Take deep breaths into your abdomen, not your chest, to get the benefits of stress relief and relaxation.It can make you feel anxious.To make sure you are breathing into your abdomen, it's a good idea to hold your belly button and watch it rise and fall.Your chest should not move and your belly should lift.If you can, lie down and feel your belly rise and fall.For a few minutes, focus on nothing but your breathing.If you can't lie down, sit with your eyes closed and use a word or image to relax.
Step 3: Relax your muscles.
Softening and relaxing the muscles shows the brain there is nothing to worry about.Many people pace, bounce a leg, pick at their clothes, clench their jaws, and wring their hands when nervous.This causes panic in the brain.It is possible to relax your muscles in a way that will help you calm down.Try doing a body Scan, starting from the top of the head and scanning down to the toes, relaxing every muscle along the way.Try these techniques before you meet the person.This allows you to walk into a situation without being tense in your body.
Step 4: You can clear your head with meditation.
You can use meditation to relax and focus on your meeting.It will lower your blood pressure.Simply closing your eyes, breathing deeply, and focusing on your breath can be used to clear your mind while meditating.If you are worried about the upcoming meeting, you could set aside some time each day to meditate.The extra practice will improve your meditation skills.You can find guided meditations online.
Step 5: They are the same person as you.
If you meet the Pope or the Prime Minister, remember that they are just another human being.Don't make them any bigger than they are.Keep practical expectations, but stay positive and open minded.You may be nervous about meeting someone for the first time.They might look like Mr. or Ms.Stay open-minded to the possibility that they might not be.From the first date to getting to know someone better, read just your outlook.
Step 6: You should go easy on yourself.
Don't worry about making mistakes.You will find other people willing to help you out when things happen.Your encounter will not last forever if they are not.Once you get away from the meeting, you will be able to find some humor in it.It is possible that you will have a foot-in-mouth moment when you meet someone for the first time.If it happens, apologize, and move on.If you make a mistake, think of a graceful apology.If you have been calling this person by the wrong name for the past hour, you could say, "Oh my goodness, I am so embarrassed!"Please accept my apology.
Step 7: Think of your conversation.
Try to visualize what you are going to say in your mind.Imagine the scene in its entirety.With visualization, you can imagine the successful outcome of your encounter, and help you become more confident because you have prepared for it.When there is another similar event, this preparation will teach your brain how to respond.Take a look at the details of your encounter.If you are planning on meeting a potential employer at a job interview, you may want to imagine yourself walking up to the building and finding the correct office.Take a picture of the suit you will wear to the interview, shake hands with the interviewer, and sit at a table.Continue and see the entire interview.You should be able to feel the emotions you want to have when you meet this person.For a job interview, you might want to think of yourself as confident, prepared, and excited to learn more about this new opportunity.Take all of your senses into account.If you think of a first date at an Italian restaurant, smell the garlic and marinara in the air.You will be able to taste the food.Positive outcomes can be visualized.Imagine a successful job interview, a fun first date, or a productive meeting with a new supervisor.It is possible to see an actual encounter from your past.While also framing the upcoming encounter in a hopeful light, memory of strategies that worked well can be triggered.
Step 8: It is a good idea to practice visualization regularly.
You should make it a daily habit, first thing in the morning or last thing before you fall asleep.Practice and commitment are required for successful visualization.The more you do it, the stronger you get, and the easier it is to do.You don't want to accidentally doze off, so close your eyes and sit straight.You may want to do this with a meditation practice.You can close your visualization exercise with anAffirmation like "I am confident and brave"
Step 9: Write it down.
Writing down how you would like your meeting to go is an effective way to visualize.Writing out your visualization will allow you to focus even further, and you can return to the same visualization again and again by rereading your words.You can either write your visualization in a journal or use an electronic document to pull it up.It's a good idea to read it on your phone during your commute.
Step 10: Don't have a negative attitude.
Staying positive will keep you calm and allow you to meet a new person.The other person will find it easier to interact with you if you are positive and receptive.If you want to stay centered and positive, give yourself a mini-pep talk, like "Go get 'em!" or "Stay strong!"You can have a successful encounter with this new person.Think about all of the ways you are successful in your life and how you can do it as well.
Step 11: To impress, dress nicely.
It's a good idea to wear an outfit that you feel good in.For a job interview, you may want to wear a suit or other clothing that is appropriate for an office setting.For a first date, you may want to wear jeans and a sweater.For professional settings, it is okay to wear clothes that convey your personality, such as a brightly-colored blouse, eye-catching statement jewelry, or a colorful tie.Aim for a more conservative look when it doubts.
Step 12: You can use confident body language.
Your body language tells the other person a lot about you.Stand up straight, make eye contact, and smile when you meet the person.Put your hands together.The person has a firm handshake.You should look in the eye while shaking hands.
Step 13: Speak clearly.
Make sure you speak loud enough so that other people can hear you, and that you look at the other person, not at your feet, when you greet them.A warm speaking voice makes you appear calm and confident.When people are nervous, you should not speak too fast.You can greet the other person with a warm hello.Say their name in your greeting.It is so nice to meet you, Marisol!
Step 14: Establish a relationship with another person.
Look for ways to start a conversation in the other person's surroundings.Look for ways to connect with them.Small talk is a way to find common ground and begin building a relationship.Talk in your surroundings.Look at the other person's clothing and see if there is something you could compliment them on.Is there a piece of artwork on the wall?Before you get to work, find something to talk about for a few minutes.You can always talk about the weather if you can't think of anything.You might be in a meeting in someone's office.A family picture is on their desk.You could say that the picture is beautiful.How old are your children, for example, if your first date is wearing a pin with the name of a political candidate you support.You could say, "Nice choice!"Take note of the person's name and use it frequently throughout the conversation.This makes you seem friendly.Say goodbye at the end of the encounter if you use their name.