How To Use Importrange on Google Sheets on PC or Mac

You can learn how to use the IMPORTRANGE function in the web version of GOOGLE SHEETS.

Step 1: You can go to in a web browser.

If you aren't already signed in to your account, sign in now.

Step 2: Click the file you want to import.

This opens the file.

Step 3: Make a note of the data you want to import.

The sheets are listed at the bottom of the screen.Write down or memorize the range if you click the sheet name.A2:D11.The IMPORTRANGE formula requires this information.

Step 4: Click the menu to open it.

It is on the left side of the screen.

Step 5: Click to share.

Step 6: Click the link to share it.

The link to the spreadsheet is in the clipboard.

Step 7: Click Done.

Step 8: Click on the icon to go to the Sheets home page.

The green button is at the top left corner of the screen.Adding the link to a formula in the sheet where you want the data to appear is the next step.

Step 9: In a web browser, go to

You can skip this step if you already see a list of your files.

Step 10: Click on the file you want to see the data in.

The formula will be entered on this spreadsheet.

Step 11: The range can be seen by clicking the cell where you want it to appear.

Step 12: The type isIMPORTRANGE.

There is a list of matching functions.

Step 13: You can click IMPORTRANGE.

The cell reads "IMPORTRANGE".

Step 14: You can type a ".

Step 15: If you want to press Cmd+V, you have to use the keyboard.

The link is put into the blank.

Step 16: "Type another"

Step 17: There is a way to type a comma.

Step 18: The path to the data should be typed.

If the data in the first spreadsheet is on a sheet called Sheet1, type "Sheet1!A2:D11"

Step 19: There's a type.

You should see something like this.

Step 20: Press Enter or Return.

The data will be imported using the IMPORTRANGE formula.The data from the first spreadsheet will appear in the second.

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