A derma roller is a small roller that has a number of small needles on it that you use to make holes in your skin.The idea is that the tiny holes in your skin can help you produce more collagen.It can open up your skin to hydration products.You can use this treatment on other areas of your body if you have scars.Before and after use, you should wash your skin and the derma roller.
Step 1: The roller needs to beDisinfected before use.
You want to make sure that the needles don't get into your skin.The roller should be soaked in 70% alcohol.Leave it for 10 minutes.70% is better than 99% because it doesn't evaporate as quickly.Shake off the excess alcohol after it's been soaked for 10 minutes.Allow it to air dry for a few minutes.
Step 2: You can wash your skin in warm water.
It is important to start with clean skin.If you want to thoroughly clean your face, you could use a gentle cleanser.You can use bar soap or shower gel for other parts of your body.It's fine to use your typical cleanser if you start with clean skin.You don't want to start with a facial cleanser that's too harsh.It's a good idea to go for something gentle.
Step 3: If you're using longer needles, wash your skin.
Infections can be caused by longer needles, which can lead to deeper penetration.If you're using needles that are longer than half a millimeter, you should wash your skin.Rub alcohol across your skin.
Step 4: If you prefer, start with a numbing cream.
If you are sensitive to pain, you can use a numbing cream first, even if you have needles that are 1.0 millimeter or longer.Before rolling, Rub a lidocaine cream into the area and leave it there for 20 minutes.Before rolling, wipe off any excess cream.If you want to avoid irritation, you can apply an emollient to your skin.
Step 5: Roll in a straight line.
Start at the edge of the area.If you're doing your face, roll up it from top to bottom.Roll over the same area 6 times in total.The roller should be moved over and over again.Continue until you've done the entire area.Light bleeding can be seen if you use 1.0 millimeter or higher needles.If you notice more pinpricks of blood, you should stop.You might need a smaller needle.
Step 6: Roll sideways.
Roll across the area horizontally from top to bottom.Roll over the same area again.Roll over it six times.If you want to do the whole area, move down or up a little bit.You can go both ways, but that can lead to needling.
Step 7: You should stop rolling after 2 minutes.
Microneedling can be used on your face.If you can, limit each rolling session to under 2 minutes.
Step 8: It's a good idea to use a derma roller every now and then.
It can lead to inflammation if you use it too often.Make sure to give your skin a break every now and then by using your derma roller 3 to 5 times a week.Some people only use this treatment for a short period of time.
Step 9: You should wash your face.
You should rinse off your face after you're done.Since you've already cleansed your face, you can use water, but you need to remove any blood traces.If you prefer, you can use a gentle cleanser.
Step 10: Take care of your skin.
It's possible to use a hydration product after you're done.A sheet mask can help you heal.After you're done, there's an option of applying an anti-aging or Anti-wrinkle serum.The micro holes will allow the serums to penetrate more deeply.
Step 11: The roller should be cleaned with dish soap and water.
You can wash your roller with dish soap and hot water.The tiny particles of blood and skin on your roller can be removed with dish soap.If you want to shake the roller around in the water, put the soap and water in a clean container.
Step 12: After use, wash the roller.
Don't drink excess water.The roller should be put in 70% alcohol.After 10 minutes, shake off the alcohol.It's a good idea to give it a chance to dry.