Treatments are available for chronic kidney disease.Relief from some symptoms can help you get the most out of your life.Changing your diet to remove foods that put more stress on your kidneys is the first thing you need to do.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will improve your quality of life.If you have a problem, your doctor will prescribe medication.Depending on your situation, you can choose between several treatment options if you reach late-stage CKD.
Step 1: It is a good idea to eat a healthy diet.
Certain foods, such as minerals, which are harder on your kidneys as they move through your digestive process, are very important for managing CKD.Lean options, vegetables, and fruits should be part of your diet.You need to follow specific recommendations about which foods to avoid and how much you should eat.Red meat, eggs, dairy, and fish can have a negative effect on your kidneys.Bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, and spinach can cause stress to your kidneys.The best way to build a menu is to work with a dietitian.Ask for a referral from your doctor.
Step 2: Reduce the amount of food you eat.
A lot of waste is produced by your kidneys because they have to work extra hard to process it.Some of the pressure on your kidneys can be alleviated by limiting the amount of protein in your body.You don't want to eliminate it from your diet because it is necessary to maintain your muscles and keep you healthy.There is no one-size-fits-all recommendation.Your size and the health of your kidneys determine how much you need.Talk to your doctor about how much you need to eat.If you have a pound of body weight, you will need to consume 0.36 grams of protein per pound.If you weigh 150 pounds, you would eat 54 grams of food a day.
Step 3: Choose fruits and veggies that don't have a lot of potassium.
It's possible that you need to eat less of it.To get the best recommendation, talk to your doctor.Pick low-potassium produce.Good produce choices include apples, grapes, strawberries, carrots, green beans, and cabbage.Fruits and vegetables that you should avoid include bananas, oranges, and tomatoes.
Step 4: Eggs, red meat, dairy, and fish are high inphosphates.
If it builds up in your body, it can cause thin bones called osteopenia.It can harm your bone health if your kidneys can't get rid of the phosphate in your blood.Do you know how much high-phosphate food you should eat?They can tell you the right portion sizes.
Step 5: There is a possibility that this is not the case.
Reducing your salt intake can cause you to retain more fluids.Products that have added salt should be avoided.processed foods, frozen dinners, salty snacks, fast food, canned goods, and soups are included.It's a good idea to stay below 2,300 milligrams of salt a day.If your doctor tells you to eat less, you should do it.
Step 6: If necessary, manage your fluid intake.
If you're in the early stages of your disease, you don't need to care for your fluids.If your body is retaining fluids, your doctor may recommend consuming less fluids.Stick to their guidelines if this is the case.Water is a better choice than other drinks.It is important to avoid drinks that contain sodium.You should eat less salty food.It's a good idea to avoid getting overheated.You can eat water or juice like a popsicle.It makes it feel like you are having more fluids by prolonging the time it takes to consume it.
Step 7: Continue to do things that you enjoy.
It is easy to lose focus when you are dealing with a chronic health condition.It's difficult to maintain a good life for yourself.You deserve to be happy, and living well with CKD is possible.It is a good idea to set aside time every day to do something you enjoy.Take care of your hobbies.When necessary, ask for help.Your loved ones want you to live a longer life.
Step 8: There is a support group for people with the disease.
A support group can help you cope with the stress of living with a chronic disease.You can learn from other people who are going through the same things you are.If you want to find groups in your area, ask your doctor.You can find groups through a number of organizations.
Step 9: Lose some weight.
Carrying extra weight makes your kidneys work harder.It increases your risk for other conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.Discuss the target healthy weight with your doctor.
Step 10: Do you want to reduce or eliminate your alcohol consumption?
Alcohol can affect your kidneys.It can harm your kidneys.You should drink no more than a small amount of alcohol.It is a good idea to drink as little alcohol as possible.A serving of alcohol includes beer, wine, and liquor in equal amounts.Some people should not drink.Ask your doctor if you can drink small amounts.
Step 11: It is possible to exercise.
Being active helps keep your body healthy and limits the effects of weight gain.You can choose a light activity that you enjoy.You can go for a walk or hike.You can swim.There is a dance class.A group aerobics class.
Step 12: If your doctor prescribes them, stop taking them.
Inflammation drugs, which are used for pain relief, can harm your kidneys.Unless the doctor decides that their benefits outweigh the risks to your kidneys, you shouldn't take them.Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, and naproxen are some of the over-the-counter NSAID treatments.
Step 13: Smoking should be stopped.
Smoking harms your organs.Smoking can affect your quality of life.Talking to your doctor about quitting aids is a good idea.You can use prescription medication, gum, or patches to help you quit.
Step 14: Discuss feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression with a therapist.
If your feelings are affecting your life, this is very important.A therapist can help you deal with your feelings.It is normal to feel this way when you have a chronic illness.You can use the internet to find a therapist.
Step 15: Swelling can be alleviated with diuretics.
Retaining water is a side effect.It causes swelling in your legs.Diuretics can be prescribed by your doctor to help manage it.If you have access to a restroom, you will be able to urinate more often.Follow the directions to use the medication.
Step 16: If you have high blood pressure, treat it.
As a result of your CKD, high blood pressure can contribute to the condition.If you have high blood pressure, your doctor will likely prescribe angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or an arterioles II receptor blockers to help manage it.High blood pressure can make your disease worse.Low blood pressure can occur in patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema.As directed, take your medication.Your doctor will take a lot of blood tests to make sure the medication doesn't harm your kidneys, as high blood pressure medicine can make them worse before they improve.
Step 17: If your doctor thinks cholesterol medicine is right for you, you should take it.
People with chronic disease have high cholesterol.If left unaddressed, high cholesterol can cause narrowing of your blood vessels.It increases your risk of heart disease.Lowering your cholesterol can be done with the help of your doctor.Take your medication as directed.
Step 18: Take care of your bones with vitamins D and calcium.
The weakened bones can result in injury.Your kidneys can't remove phosphate, so it builds up in your blood.It is possible to balance out the phosphate by increasing your consumption of vitamins D and calcium.It's possible to keep your bones strong with a supplement.To find out if a supplement is right for you, talk to your doctor.If you are on other medications, talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.
Step 19: If your red blood cells are low, you should treat symptoms of anemia.
Anemia can cause you to be weak and fatigued.The hormone erythropoietin and/or iron supplements can be used to treat anemia.Discuss what is best for you with your doctor.If you are taking other medications, don't take iron supplements without talking to your doctor.If your body isn't able to process the amount that you consume, iron can build up in you and become harmful.
Step 20: Remove waste from your blood with haemodialysis.
A machine can help remove waste and fluids from your blood.Hemodialysis is one of the two forms of treatment.A machine will remove the blood from your body and then pump it back into you.Depending on the facility, hemodialysis can be administered 3 times a week.It is likely that you will experience some kind of pain.It will give you time as you wait for a transplant.
Step 21: PAIN DIARY is an alternative.
This is the second type of treatment.A healthcare professional will insert a catheter into your body.After absorbing the waste and excess fluid, it will leave your body.It's usually done in your home.It can also be done while you sleep.This type of therapy makes you feel uncomfortable.
Step 22: Discuss a transplant with your doctor.
If your kidneys stops functioning properly, you may need a new one.You can get a transplant from either a living or dead donor, as people only need one organ to live.If a matching organ is found, your doctor will replace it with a healthy one.If you get a transplant, you need to take medicine for the rest of your life to keep your body from rejecting it.Past lifestyle and expected quality of life are used to pick recipients for a transplant.You can get a transplant even if you don't need it.
Step 23: If other treatments are not right for you, ask about conservative care.
Some patients may not be able to receive a transplant.Your medical team can help you manage your symptoms if this is the case.Most of the time, this includes medications and psychological support.Conservative care helps you have the best quality of life.It is best to include your family in your decision.They will get psychological support services in some cases.