Research shows that glutamine supports a healthy immune system, protects your digestive tract, and preserves your muscle cells.Exercise, trauma, and surgery deplete your stores because your body makes glutamine.If you take a glutamine supplement, you may want to incorporate it into your diet.Check with your doctor to make sure the supplement is right for you.
Step 1: You should be educated about glutamine.
Your body makes Glutamine.Amino acids are important for regulating cell growth and function.glutamine helps remove waste from the body.It helps the immune system.You have glutamine in your lungs and muscles.
Step 2: There are natural sources of glutamine.
Your body gets most of its glutamine from your daily intake of food.When your body is under stress, you may not be able to produce enough.There are two ways to get additional glutamine when this happens.You can get it by eating more glutamine-rich foods.Dairy, fish, meat, and beans are high in Glutamine.It can be found in vegetables like cabbage and parsley.These foods don't give as much glutamine as supplements do.
Step 3: Ask your doctor about supplements.
If you need more glutamine because of increased stress on your body, or if you can't get enough through your food, ask your doctor about the supplement.Depending on the condition you are being treated for, the dosages and type can be vastly different.Your doctor can tell you if this form of treatment is worth pursuing and how much glutamine to take.The daily dose of the supplement is 5g to 10g, which is usually given in three divided doses a day.The doctor may tell you to take more than 14g.People with medical conditions that may affect excretion of glutamine should always ask their doctor before starting any new supplements.Not all of the Glutamine supplements have strong studies behind them.
Step 4: Different forms of supplements can be considered.
You don't have to ask your doctor about supplements, they are available over the counter in health food stores.They are usually part of a supplement.The supplement should state if it is synthetic or natural.A lot of supplements seem to be derived from plant sources, so you should always check the label.Glutamine can be taken as a capsule, powder, liquid, and tablets.The liquid and powder form may be better for people who have trouble swallowing.
Step 5: The supplement should be taken appropriately.
There are certain rules to follow when taking glutamine.Make sure you don't take it with hot food or drinks.This is due to the fact that glutamine can be affected by temperature.Glutamine can only be taken with cold or room temperature liquids.Glutamine can be mixed with water or juice with a low level of acidity.Taking glutamine with acidic juices or hot liquids will degrade the glutamate and diminish any benefits.
Step 6: There are side effects and warnings.
There are no adverse side effects when glutamine is present in the body.Excess glutamine consumption can lead to an upset stomach.If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult with your doctor before taking glutamine.It's possible to stop taking glutamine completely.Unless prescribed by your doctor, it is a good idea to avoid very high doses of any supplement, including glutamine.There is no need to worry about people having an adverse reaction to glutamine.Some people will experience a bad reaction to glutamine.Stomach pain, headaches, sweating, and joint pain are some of the symptoms.If this is the case, you should stop taking glutamine.
Step 7: glutamine is used for wound healing.
People who have gone through a wound are often helped by supplements.When the body is stressed due to injury, burns, and infections, cortisol causes a decrease in glutamine.According to some studies, glutamine supplements can help you fight against wounds.Glutamine can help reduce infections.Patients who have suffered from burns or undergone surgeries can benefit from the innate muscle recovery properties of glutamine.
Step 8: Take glutamine for strength training.
Glutamine is a popular supplement.When you build muscle, your body goes through stress because of injury.The building blocks of the new muscle that will be built after work out are glutamine and other amino acids.It helps replenish and strengthen muscles that are taxed by a lot of exercise.There have been no conclusive studies about the use of this method.
Step 9: Low levels are increased due to cancer.
Patients with cancer often have low levels of glutamine.Research is being done on how glutamine can help cancer patients.For patients receiving bone marrow transplants, it is used for patients who are too thin.There are some studies that suggest it may help with some diseases.
Step 10: Treat other issues.
Researchers believe that there are a few other conditions that are helped by glutamine.glutamine supplements may be helpful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.The lining of GI tract is protected by glutamine.For up to 16 weeks, take one 5g tablets six times a day by mouth.The amount of time for this is limited because it is much higher than normal.There is some evidence that glutamine can help with some GI conditions, but it hasn't been proven that it helps with other conditions.In patients with HIV/AIDS, glutamine may be helpful in promoting weight gain.In addition to other supplements, glutamine may lead to weight gain and an increase in muscle mass.Severe weight and muscle loss can be suffered by patients with HIV/AIDS.It is a consideration with this condition that it may help these patients absorb vitamins better.