How To Take Care of a Wild Squirrel

Squirrels can be injured in the wild.Squirrels are prone to injuries.If you want to care for a wild squirrel, you need to make sure he has food, shelter and veterinary care.If you can, try to get your squirrel to a rescue as soon as possible.It is not recommended to keep wild squirrels as pets as they do not do well in captivity and it is illegal in most areas.Before you do anything, check the laws in your area.

Step 1: First, be aware of the laws in your country or state.

Laws regarding care of wild animals vary from state to state.Before you start setting up an environment for a squirrel, make sure you know whether or not it is legal.Red squirrels are a protected species in the UK, but it is illegal to rehabilitate an injured grey squirrel.If you find an injured grey squirrel in the UK, you have to destroy it.If you have a permit, you can provide care for a wild animal in some states.The State Department of Fish and Wildlife may require you to alert them.Call your local animal control center to find out if it is legal to care for a wild squirrel.

Step 2: You should make a shelter for your squirrel.

It is legal for you to help the injured squirrel if you provide him with a proper shelter.Squirrels don't carry the disease, but it's possible for any warm-blooded animal to get it.If you are bitten, wash the wound with some water and call your doctor.The squirrel will die if it is tested for diseases.There are other options if you don't have a cage.Babies tend to be injured in the wild.They get lost from their mothers.A small box can be used to house a baby squirrel.You should keep the box open if you leave it outside.His mother will be able to find him if he's lost.If leaving the squirrel outdoors is not an option, you can keep the shoebox in the garage or closed off room in your home.If you want to keep the squirrel long-term, you will need a lot of money and time.The first thing to do is get a cage.Squirrels need tall cages to move around in.Babies need smaller cages so they don't fall and hurt themselves.You could use this for a baby squirrel if you have an old cat cage or pet carrier.The squirrel will chew through it quickly if it's plastic.An old bird cage might work for an adult squirrel.At your local pet store, you can purchase cages of a variety of shapes and sizes.The small bar spacings and size are recommended by the Critter/Ferret nations.

Step 3: Provide a nest box.

You need to give the squirrel nest and bedding material after finding a suitable container.This helps him stay warm and comfortable, as well as mimicking some of the conditions of his natural habitat.Squirrels enjoy building a nest.cardboard should not be used as it dries out the skin.Many pet stores have nest boxes for birds.These could be used to keep your squirrel safe.Squirrels need a lot of padding and bedding to stay warm.Be careful with the materials you use.Old cotton or fleece shirts can be used.Don't buy towels or other items made of terrycloth.Squirrels can get their claws stuck in these materials.

Step 4: Squirrels can be kept warm.

The baby squirrel needs to be warm in order to survive.flannel or a similar material can be used to wrap a hot water bottle.You should put it in the box or cage where you are keeping the baby squirrel.If you want to put water in the squirrel, wrap it up first and do not cover it in fabrics.The squirrel could become overheated.Place the heating pad under the box if you use it.

Step 5: Provide toys and supplies.

It's nice to give your squirrel some toys and supplies after he has settled in.It will be difficult to transition from the wild to someone's home.You want your squirrel to have fun.Squirrels like small stuffed toys.Before you let the squirrel play with it, make sure to remove any plastic parts.Squirrel stuffed toys should only be given to them.Squirrels can choke on things that are bead-like.Squirrels like playing with hanging toys, like mobiles or cat toys with feathers on the end.If your squirrel is older, you may want to install a perch in his cage.Squirrels like to climb.Installation of bird perches in your squirrel's cage can be done at a local pet store.

Step 6: Feed the squirrel.

It's important to make sure your squirrel has a balanced diet.Squirrels aren't traditionally kept as pets.Do not feed a baby squirrel on your own.Squirrels need vitamins and minerals.Squirrels can die if they are fed baby squirrel formula or milk.Take your baby squirrel to a vet as soon as possible.The workers will know how to feed him.You can learn how to care for the baby online at if you take him back home with you.They make squirrel food.It can be difficult to find at your local pet store.Some states don't allow people to keep animals as pets.It might take a few days for you to be able to order squirrel food online.If you can't get squirrel food quickly, has recipes to make a temporary formula.

Step 7: Provide enough water.

There is a bowl of water in the enclosure.Squirrels need a lot of water for their health.You can either leave water in a bowl or use a bottle.You should use a glass bottle if you're getting a bottle.Squirrels chew on plastic.If you're giving water to a baby squirrel, make sure the bowls you use are small.You don't want a baby squirrel to drown in his water bottle.If you fill the bowl halfway up to the marbles, he won't drown.

Step 8: Check your squirrel for injuries.

If you find a squirrel in the wild, he could be injured.If you see any injuries to the squirrel, you should get him veterinary care.Good lighting can help you find a safe spot in your home.Don't allow children or pets to be near you.Gloves are used when handling a wild animal.You should wear a coat as well.If a squirrel hasn't been handled before, he may bite or scratch.Squirrels are not as dirty as other animals.Go about your business and rinse out the cut.There is a basin of warm water and a few clean washcloths.Take a look at the face, nose, and mouth.Fleas and ticks can be removed if you see them.If you still have parasites in your home, you should kill them.If you have to wash the blood, wring out the rag and move it over the squirrel's fur.Look at the squirrel's limbs.Feet may be limp or twisted awkwardly.Squirrels are prone to injury when they fall out of a tree.Call a wildlife rehabber or vet if your squirrel is injured.

Step 9: Encourage physical activity.

Squirrels need a lot of exercise.If you want to keep your squirrel, you need to make sure he builds his muscles.Allow your squirrel access to one room of your house for at least an hour a day.Make sure you remove anything that is breakable or that you don't want to be damaged.Squirrels can run, climb, and play in this room.Don't let the squirrel outside without a cage.Hawks and other predatory animals can make a meal out of a baby before you can react.The baby may run away and die because he doesn't know how to defend himself.If you keep your squirrel for more than a week, you should install perches in his cage.The bird perches work well for a squirrel cage.They should have the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 10: Take your squirrel to a rescue as soon as you can.

You shouldn't try to rehabilitate an injured squirrel on your own.If you take in an injured or abandoned squirrel, look for a nearby wildlife rescue.The squirrel should be taken in as soon as possible.

Step 11: If you can't place your squirrel in a rescue, seek regular veterinary care.

If you can't find a rescue near you, seek veterinary care for your squirrel.Take your squirrel to an exotic vet for regular checks.It's time to build your release cage.Guidelines can be found at

Step 12: It's a good idea to check the legality of owning a squirrel.

Some states don't allow animals to be raised by non licensed people.Laws or regulations may prohibit you from taking a squirrel out of the wild in some states.You might need a permit to own a squirrel in some states.You should check your state's government website for details about the laws.

Step 13: Understand the risks of keeping a wild squirrel as a pet.

It is not recommended to keep a wild squirrel as a pet.Squirrels don't do well in captivity.They can be destructive if kept as pets.Make every effort to get your squirrel to a rescue as soon as possible.They are very expensive and will take a lot of money to put into the squirrel.

Step 14: If possible, talk to a wildlife rescue.

A certain level of expertise is required to re-release an injured animal into the wild.It's best to contact the wildlife rescue in your area before attempting to rehabilitate a squirrel on your own.You will be provided with important information on safely releasing your squirrel if you talk to a worker on the phone.

Step 15: You can place your cage outdoors.

If you want to eventually release a wild squirrel, you need to make sure you don't domesticate him too much.If your squirrel is injured, you should keep his cage in your home or garage.You should put the cage outside once he seems to be getting better.He won't get used to it.You can plan to release him when he's fully healed.He needs a tarp over his cage.He will be protected from the rain as well as the sun.If you're not already using a feeding door, you might want to transfer him to a cage.You don't want to release your squirrel too early.Without a proper door, he may escape.The cage should be in a place that is easy to reach.Keep it away from other humans.It may be difficult to release your squirrel back into the wild if he gets used to humans.

Step 16: It's better to have less contact.

You should give your squirrel some food.As time goes on, diminish your contact with him.On a day-to-day basis, spend less time with the squirrel.If you have friends nearby, tell them to leave the squirrel alone.

Step 17: The squirrel is at least five miles away from where he was found.

After being released, a squirrel may return to your home.Squirrels can be pests if they get into your home.Pick a location that is at least 5 miles away from where you found the squirrel.It is generally better to have more distance.If 10 miles is possible, let him go.

Step 18: Pick a location that is safe.

It's important where you release your squirrel.There are a few things to consider before releasing a squirrel.You should research the type of animals found in the area you're considering.A low population of potential predator like house cats is what you should choose.It may take your squirrel a few days to get back to normal.This can make him vulnerable.Make sure there are other wild squirrels in the area.The squirrel needs to be released into his natural habitat.A busy street, intersection, or highway is not the place to release a squirrel.It's a good idea to double check the legality of releasing a squirrel.Some states have restrictions on the re-release of wild animals.

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