How To Take Care of a Lost Pigeon

Food, water, and shelter are required for the care of a lost pigeon.Try to find the owner of the pigeon you found.Help the pigeon get healthy and then release him back to the wild.

Step 1: You should seek urgent care.

If the pigeon is shaking, bleeding, or vomiting, you should take him to a vet.You can call the WildCare Hotline if you don't know where to take the pigeon.They can tell you how to care for the pigeon.If you have a baby pigeon, always seek urgent care.If the pigeon makes any kind of sound, you have a juvenile pigeon.

Step 2: You can get aventilated box or cage.

The pigeon can be housed in a small box or bird cage.Small holes can be found in the side of a cardboard box.There is a screen on top of the box.The bottom should be lined with a soft cloth or some paper towels.The ideal cage should be at least 42′′ wide, 27′′ deep, and 30′′ high.A small dog or cat crate is also possible.The pigeon should be protected from cats and dogs with a container.

Step 3: The pigeon needs to be captured.

If the pigeon is injured or tame, you should be able to pick it up with your hands.If you can't pick the pigeon up, place it in a box and throw a towel over it.Food can be used to bait the pigeon.You can get the pigeon to walk into the container or a place where you can easily catch him by walking behind him.Pull him across the back and hold him with two hands.

Step 4: There is a baby pigeon.

If you have a baby pigeon, place him in a ventilated box with the heating pad turned on low.Half of the container should be heated.Pigeons have a special diet.If you call the WildCare Hotline, you will get instructions to care for the baby pigeon.Before you feed the pigeon, call the number.Improper feeding can lead to death or serious injury.

Step 5: The pigeon should be given clean water.

Put water in a container that is at least 1 inch deep.There is an old margarine tub.If a pigeon is lost, water is more important than food.The pigeon may be tired.You can make a splashing sound if you dribble a few drops of water into the container.If the pigeon looks exhausted, you can give him a cup of water and a half of Gatorade.Replacing lost electrolytes will be aided by this.

Step 6: Purchase pigeon feed.

Birds eat grains and seeds.You can buy pigeon feed at a feed store.Pet stores don't usually carry pigeon feed.You can buy wild bird seed or dove and quail mix from the pet store if you can't go to a feed store.Popcorn, rice, split peas, and other items can be given to the pigeon.You don't want your pigeon to get a slice of bread.Start by giving a small amount in the morning to see how much the pigeon eats.The amount should be adjusted until all the food is gone by the end of the day.

Step 7: Provide food.

Your pigeon will enjoy eating vegetables 3 or 4 times a week.Vegetables that can be chopped or shredded include carrots, broccoli, snap peas, cauliflower, dandelion greens, edamame, and bell peppers.You should wash the vegetables before feeding them to the pigeon.The vegetables can be placed in a separate dish.Reduce the amount based on how much your pigeon eats.

Step 8: There is a leg band.

If you find a racing pigeon, they will be wearing a leg band.The pigeon club, the year the bird was hatched, and the pigeon's unique number will be given to you by the band.Some bands have the owner's name and contact information.A wild pigeon is a bird without a band.If the leg band has the owner's contact information, let them know that you have their pigeon.You have to read the leg band to determine who to contact if there is no contact information.

Step 9: Take a look at the leg band.

The first two letters of the leg band tell you which national organization the pigeon belongs to.You can let the organization know that you found one of their pigeons by contacting them.There are websites for all of these organizations.The American Racing Pigeon Union is one of the common organizations.The Canadian Racing Pigeon Union is known as CU.I stands for the International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers.The NPA stands for the National Pigeon Association.You can call or email the band if they say "IFB".You can contact the ADA at American Racing Pigeon Union can help you identify the letters in the band.They will help you find the owner.If you can't locate the owner, the Vancouver Poultry & Fancy Pigeon Association will help.Please email them at

Step 10: The pigeon should be released.

A pigeon without a leg band is most likely a wild pigeon.Don't keep a wild pigeon as a pet.If you take care of the pigeon for a few days, you can get him some help from a rescue society.After 1 or 2 days of rest, food, and water, most pigeons can find their way home.Take the pigeon to an area with no wires and plenty of open space.If you want to find a rescue place for the pigeon, you can call the WildCare Hotline.Don't call your local humane society.They are more likely to kill the pigeon than to give him care and let him go back into the wild.

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