How to plant a mango seed with pictures, and how to grow mango seeds with cotton.

The article was written by Andrew Carberry.Carberry has worked in food systems.He graduated from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville with a Masters in Public Health Nutrition.Once an article gets enough positive feedback, it becomes reader-approved.A total of 27 testimonials and 91% of readers who voted found the article helpful.This article has been viewed many times.

One of the easiest trees to start and care for is the mango tree.If you can, taste-test the fruit before you make a trees can grow up to 65 ft (9 to 20 m) tall and last for centuries.If you want to keep your mango tree in a container, you can start again from a new seed.

One to two weeks is quicker than drying.If you only have one seed, you may not want to try this.

Make sure to check your climate zone before planting a mango tree.It's best to grow mangos in warm places during mild winters.If your climate supports a mango tree, you can get a seed from a local nursery.If you can't, try planting the mango seed from the store.In order to plant the seed, bury it 8 inches deep in a container filled with rich soil.After 1-2 years, transplant the tree outside if the seed develops into a seedling.See our Gardener reviewer's instructions to learn how to grow mango seed.Did the summary help you?