There's evidence that it can help with tension headaches, abdominal pain, and digestion problems.You can make your own oil at home.You only need a jar, olive oil and a few leaves.That is all!Soon you will have some homemade oil that will last you a long time.
Step 1: The desired amount of oil can be produced by gathering enough peppermint leaves.
The mintle should come from a garden or similar source.Pick up a bundle or two at the store if that isn't an option.Only the broad, green leaves are used.Taking the stems could cause the plant to die.Unlike other types of essential oils, peppermint oil is infused.The amount of carrier oil you use to steep your leaves will affect how much you end up with.
Step 2: Cool, clean water is all you need to wash your peppermint.
Run a stream of water over the leaves to remove dust, dirt, and debris.If you want to do a more thorough clean, you can soak your peppermint in a shallow bowl.If your leaves look discolored, damaged, or diseased, you should throw them out.No foreign substances end up in your oil if you give your peppermint a good rinse.
Step 3: Allow the leaves to air dry.
Shake the leaves gently to remove excess water, then arrange them in a single layer on a countertop, cutting board, or similar surface.If necessary, smooth the leaves with the pad of your finger to keep them from folding.You could put a clean towel on top of the folded paper towels to absorb more water.Before you start the oil extraction process, your leaves need to be completely dry.
Step 4: Muddle the leaves.
To crush leaves against a solid surface, use a mortar and pestle, mallet, or spoon.Light, even pressure, can be applied to your utensil using delicate strokes.If you prefer, you can squeeze your leaves by hand.One of the most important steps in making essential oils at home is messing with the plants.Don't grind the leaves too much as this will cause them to become bitter and make them harder to strain later on.You do not want to mangle them.
Step 5: Transfer the leaves to a container.
Put the leaves at the bottom of the container.Leave enough room at the top for the contents to move around a little, but add as many leaves as you can fit.Exposure to air can cause plant oils to spoil, so selecting a container with a lid that forms an airtight seal is important.It is best to use a container made from glass or ceramic because you won't have to worry about it being contaminated with oil.
Step 6: The leaves should be covered with a carrier oil.
The oil will leave the peppermint completely submerged.If you want the leaves to be better incorporated into the carrier oil, give the jar a shake and swirl them around.The concentration of your finished oil will be lower if you have too high a ratio of carrier oil to peppermint.
Step 7: The jar should be left in a warm, dark place for at least 48 hours.
Put the jar in a corner of your kitchen, pantry, bathroom, or porch.Any area will work if it is not too hot or cool.It is a good idea to keep your oil out of the sun.If you live in a cold climate, place your jar near a heat source or inside an insulated cabinet to keep it warm.The oil in the leaves will be encouraged by warmer temperatures.
Step 8: The infused oil should be strained through a piece of cloth.
Remove the lid from the jar and drape the cheesecloth over the opening.To get the oil out of the jar, tilt it over a second container.Remove stray leaf remnants by hand.The best results for straining will be provided by cheesecloth or muslin cloth.Paper towels and coffee filters are not good strainers due to the thickness of the oil.Stretching a rubber band around the jar's mouth will help secure it.
Step 9: Add a new bunch of leaves to your oil.
Prepare your second bunch of leaves the same way you did the first, using just enough pressure to break the outer surface and free the oils inside.Don't grind or tear the leaves into pieces.
Step 10: Continue straining and steeping to increase the oil's strength.
The initial steps should be repeated as many times as necessary.You could add new leaves for up to a week, but it will usually take between 2 and 3 days.When you steep and strain your oil, it will grow darker in color and give off a stronger smell.You may not be able to tell the difference in the concentration of your oil after a week.
Step 11: For up to 3-6 months, store your oil in a jar.
The jar will help preserve the freshness of your oil until you are ready to use it.To maximize your oil's longevity, keep it in a cool, dark place at or slightly below room temperature, and be sure to reseal the jar after each use.The amount of plant material left behind can affect the shelf life of homemade peppermint oil.After a few months, it is best to throw out your oil and make a new one.