You're used to seeing hot cross buns in bakeries on Easter weekend, but there's no reason you can't make them any time of the year.Hot cross buns have a lot of their flavor from enriched dough that also has golden raisins, orange peel, apple, and cinnamon mixed in.You can get the classic crosses by piping a paste over the tops of the buns.If you want to get a beautiful shine on the buns, brush them with a little jam and bake them until they're golden brown.
Step 1: Bring the milk and butter to a boil.
Turn the burner to medium after pouring 1 4 cups of whole milk into a saucepan.When the milk begins to boil, turn off the burner.To melt the butter, add 3 1/2 ounces of butter and swirl the milk.Once the milks cool to room temperature, set the pan aside.
Step 2: In a large bowl, put bread flour, salt, sugar, and yeast.
Place 4 cups of bread flour in a large mixing bowl with a dash of salt, 6 ounces of sugar, and a package of instant yeast.The well should be in the center of the bowl.It's not necessary to mix the dry ingredients at this point.The yeast and salt should be on opposite sides of the bowl.If the yeast come into contact with the salt, it will kill them.
Step 3: The dry ingredients should be put into the milk mixture.
Slowly pour the milk and butter mixture into the well that you made with the dry ingredients.The egg should be poured into the middle of the milk mixture.
Step 4: A shaggy dough can be made with the ingredients in the bowl.
You can mix the dry ingredients with the milk mixture and egg with a spoon.Don't stop mixing until you have the dry bits of flour near the sides and bottom of the bowl.The dough should be very sticky.
Step 5: The dough should be kneaded.
Put the sticky dough onto your work surface by sprinkling a little flour on it.Use your hands to stretch and fold the dough.If you prefer to knead the dough in a stand mixer, you can use a dough hook attachment.
Step 6: For 1 hour, cover and prove the dough.
Place vegetable oil in a large bowl and lightly coat it.The dough should be put into the bowl with plastic wrap.The dough should be left to rest until it doubles in size.
Step 7: The dough should be made with apples, cinnamon, and raisins.
The dough needs to be removed from the bowl.1/2 cup (75 g) of golden raisins, 1/3 cup (50 g), mixed peel, orange, apple, and ground cinnamon should be put into the dough.It's easier to mix the fruit into the dough if you keep it in the bowl.The fruit should be incorporated into the dough by using your hands.
Step 8: For an hour, prove the fruity dough.
The dough should be set aside until it doubles in volume.It may take more than an hour since the dough has a lot of fruit.
Step 9: Cut the dough into 15 pieces by rolling it into a log.
You can put the hot cross bun dough on the work surface with a little more flour.Use your palms to roll the dough until it forms a log.To divide the dough, use a knife or bench cutter.The piece of dough should weigh about 75 g.If you have a kitchen scale, use it to make sure the balls are the same weight.
Step 10: The dough should be shaped into a ball.
Dust your hands with flour and roll a piece of dough between your palms.If it's easier to handle, roll the piece of dough on a lightly floured surface until it forms a ball.
Step 11: Place the balls on the baking sheet.
Place the balls of dough on the baking sheet.They should be 2.5 cm apart.If you prefer, bake the buns on 2 baking sheets.
Step 12: If you want to prove the buns, cover them and do it for one hour.
Put a little cooking spray on a piece of plastic wrap and put the side on the buns.Place the covered buns in a warm place to prove.
Step 13: The oven should be ready to bake by moving the oven racks.
There is a rack in the middle of the oven.If there isn't enough space between the middle and top rack, you may need to remove the top one.The space between the rack should be at least 13 cm.
Step 14: A white paste can be made by mixing all-purpose flour with water.
Put 1/3 cup (75 g) of flour into a small bowl.If you want the paste to be smooth and thick, put 15 liters of water into it at a time.If you want to make a paste, add up to 5 liters of water.
Step 15: Put the paste in a bag and pipe a cross on the buns.
You can put the paste in a piping bag with a plain tip.There is a line of paste across the middle of the buns.To create the crosses, turn the buns 90-degrees and pipe another line across them.If you don't have a piping bag, fill a sealable plastic bag with paste.You can squeeze the paste out by removing a small corner of the bag.
Step 16: The hot cross buns should be baked for 20 minutes.
The buns should be placed on the middle rack in the oven and baked until they turn golden brown.The paste crosses should turn a rich yellow color.
Step 17: The apricot jam should be microwaved for 10 seconds.
Put a sheet of buns on the stove and microwave the apricot jam in a small bowl.Put the jam in the microwave.Substitute peach jam for apricot jam.
Step 18: Before serving, brush the jam over the buns.
Push the warm jam through the strainer that was set over the bowl.The sieve will hold any chunks or bits.After dipping the pastry brush into the strained jam, brush it over the buns.The buns should be served with lots of butter.The jam will give the buns a nice shine and the warm buns will absorb some of the jam's sweetness.You can keep hot cross buns in a container at room temperature for up to 2 days.