How To Make Celery Soup

The soup has a lot of flavour and is very creamy.It goes well with bread or rolls.

Step 1: It's a good idea to wash the celery.

Cut it into small pieces.Keep some of the leaves.

Step 2: In a large pot or saucepan, cook the onion with butter or oil.

For about 5 minutes, Fry it without allowing it to go brown.

Step 3: Fry for another 5 to 10 minutes.

If you stir it will prevent the onion from turning brown.

Step 4: Put it in the stock or water.

Put the lid on the pot.Allow to cook for 30 minutes.At the end of the simmering, the Celery should be tender.

Step 5: Take out the heat.

Allow the temperature to cool a bit.The soup should be put into a processor.Take it out and make it smooth.To enjoy the season.

Step 6: Return to the pot or saucepan.

You don't want it to get hot when you rewarm it.

Step 7: It's time to serve.

If you want, you can sprinkle cheese on the bowl or chopped leaves from the ones you've kept back.

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