How to make a queen size bed look like a daybed, well worth the money.

It's possible to lounge with a book while someone feeds you grapes.A daybed is a great solution for smaller homes or studio apartments because it can double as a sofa and a place to sleep.You can make your own.Simply take a queen bed, push it lengthways against a wall and cozy it up with lots of cushions and throws.If you have a spare bedroom, this is perfect.When you don't have guests, you want to use the space more.You can get your bed working with a few easy steps.Nobody will know the difference.

Or a bed.If the bed has the same height, that's fine.It will look too much like a bed.The easiest way to change the look is to remove the boards.Attach the two matching headboards at either end.The bed can masquerade as a sofa.

A lot of sins are hidden by daybed covers or bed skirts.They hide bedsprings, mattresses and anything else that could be a dead giveaway.If you have enough space underneath your bed, you can put away bed covers during the day and remove pillows and cushions at night.You should store them in lidded boxes.No one wants a dirty bed.

If you don't mind being a little more hemmed in, you can use short, sturdy bookcases to create a clean, cool look.Place one on either side, with the sides facing out.Place two 30-inch bookcases on either side of the queen bed if you want a bookcase with the same width.

Do you have a recess that's at least as wide as a queen bed?Then lucky you.This is the perfect place to hide your bed.There are shelves that can be used to fill gaps.If there are small amounts of space, thick throws and/or quilts will sort them out.

If you want, you can keep your duvet.When your bed is wearing its daytime look, you need to tuck it away.It is possible to layer up with different covers, blankets and throws.Standard sheets can't cut it.You can use a quilt or a queen-size mattress cover.They look more like a sofa than a flowery pattern.

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