How to install a sliding glass door with motion.

French doors and sliding glass doors are not without risk.They pose a safety problem because they are difficult to secure and keep little kids in.The easiest and best ways to secure your patio doors are found by us.

Sometimes the views of the sliding glass doors and French doors make them unsafe, even though most people love the natural light.They offer a wide-ranging look into your home so anyone can see what you have.The problem is made worse by the fact that most sliding glass doors are in backyards where anyone can see them.

There is a simple fix for this problem.Most people prefer long, vertical blinds because they are easy to open and close.If you have pets or children, these break easily.Other stylish options include sliding panels or shutters, which allow for opening and closing, but aren't as flimsy as vertical blinds.

The panels and shutters can be expensive very quickly.If you have a budget or have pets.Consider using decorative window film.All of the different varieties will let in light while still obscuring an outsider's view and protecting your home from unwanted eyes.

A sliding door lock is the best way to secure your door.The locks are installed at the top of the door.The locks can only be opened by an adult or a tall child.It's not possible to open the door from the inside or the outside.You can either lock the door in place at either 3 or 6 inches open or you can lock it completely closed.

The locking piece on the door needs to be followed the same way as the top piece in the upper track.You will position the lock, mark the spots you need to drill, then drill the holes to secure it.See the manufacturer's guidelines for more detailed instructions.These are some of the clearest instructions we have seen.

The locks are subtle and super secure.Your doors will be just as beautiful, even if guests don't notice them.

Did you ever go to your grandma's house and have to pick up the broomstick she had lying in the track of the sliding glass door?If you jiggle the door hard enough, you can get it to jump the track or make the stick move, and she was doing her best to keep her home safe.It isn't the perfect plan to keep a home secure, but it can work in a pinch.

One of the best ways to secure a sliding glass door is to keep it from sliding, and there are many varieties of security bars or "Charley bars" available that do that.The track of your sliding glass door has security bars in it.The bars are mounted with screws on at least one end, which makes them easy to swing in and out of.If you have small children who are likely to steal a security bar from the track, these can be great.We are looking at you.

After placing the security bar in the track of your sliding glass door, all you have to do is set it with a pressure mounting system.The padded ends make sure the pressure doesn't damage the doors.

A security bar takes two minutes to install.The Charley bar requires a drill to screw in one side.Push the bar into place after adjusting it to the correct height.

The beauty of French doors is that they open wide for unimpeded views.They pose unique challenges when it comes to security.The amount of glass surrounding the lock makes it easy for a person to break in.

The best way to stop the doors from opening is with a security brace.The doors will not open if the doors are held in place by a brace.If the doors are unlocked and the glass is broken, a brace will hold them in a closed position.

The door braces are easy to install.The floor is at the base of the doors.It should be centered across where the doors open and lie flush with the bottom of the door.

The middle of the second part is where the French doors meet.It is only 3 inches high and 9 inches wide, but it gets the job done.You put the second piece on top of the door frame when you need to open it.

If you have a tile or stone floor, you will need special screws and drills to install the brace.There are no problems with installing a security brace on wood or laminate floors.

If you want to take things to the next level, consider installing electronic security.When it comes to stopping a break-in, these options are less effective, but they are great at alerting you or the police to one.

You can get door sensors that are part of a larger home security system if you put most of the electronic options on your doors.You can sound an alarm or send a notification to your phone with these monitors.

You can purchase glass break detectors for your sliding glass or French doors.If the glass is smashed, a glass break sensor can be installed on the door.If you want to know when your doors are compromised, they are a great option.

Our picks for the best home security systems in the country can be found here.

French doors and traditional exterior doors work best with door reinforcements.They are not recommended for sliding glass doors because the track system requires different parts.

If you want to keep the door closed, security bars are the best option because they don't require anchoring screws.

It is possible to replace your glass doors with impact-resistant glass, but it is very expensive and you have to buy them through a window company.This isn't practical for everyone because of the high price tags.It can be difficult to install security window film that will make glass doors more shatterproof.

Whatever route you decide to take to secure your sliding glass or French doors, you will be adding a greater level of safety to your home for a small cost and minimal effort.That sounds like a win-win for us.

The products recommended in this article were researched.Check out our full methodology to learn more.

There are ways to secure my doors when I am at home, but not when no one is there.

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