How To Get Rid of a Stomach Ache at School

It might feel like the school day will never end if you have a stomach ache.Before you go to the nurse's office or go home, try a few things that will make your stomach ache go away.Don't be afraid to let a friend or your teacher know that you're not feeling well.Within a few hours, your stomach ache should go away on its own.Take deep breaths and let go.

Step 1: Take a bathroom break.

You can ask your teacher if you can use the bathroom.If you don't want to let everyone know that you're not feeling well, you can ask your teacher quietly.Then, take a break in the bathroom to see if you have a good night's sleep.If you have a stomach ache, try to use the toilet.It can make your stomach feel better if you have a bowel movement.

Step 2: You can calm your stomach by drinking clear liquid.

It could make your stomach ache worse if you drink soda or seltzer water.Drink small sips of water or clear drinks, such as sports drinks or coconut water.You might need to go to the nurse's office to drink water if drinks aren't allowed in your class.Solid food should be avoided until your stomach feels normal.The water and other beverages should not be cold.It could make your stomach ache worse.

Step 3: You can relieve nausea by chewing on candy.

If your stomach ache is caused by something you ate, try sucking on a candy.The ginger can calm your stomach.If you prefer, you could eat a ginger chew instead of eating a candy.If your teacher doesn't allow food in the classroom, make sure to ask about sucking on ginger or peppermint.

Step 4: Take a few minutes in the office.

Your stomach ache should go away on its own within a few hours, but if taking a bathroom break, sipping water, or sucking on peppermint doesn't seem to help, you may feel more comfortable if you lie down.If you don't know how to tell the teacher you're not feeling well, you could say that you are.Is it possible to lay down in the nurse's office?

Step 5: Take deep breaths.

A stomach ache is sometimes caused by anxiety.If you take slow, deep breaths, you might be able to calm your stomach.Hold the breath for 4 seconds and then breathe in through your nose as you count to 4.This will help you relax.When you exhale, try to put your breath into your belly.You will be able to take in more air with each breath.

Step 6: If your stomach hurts, don't take medicine.

Ibuprofen could make your stomach ache worse if you haven't been able to keep food down.The stomach ache should go away after a few hours if you make yourself as comfortable as possible.If you think you have a high temperature, ask an adult to take your temperature.They might want to give you a pain remedy if you have a high temperature.

Step 7: Tell your friend that you're not feeling well.

Let a friend know that your stomach hurts if you don't want to handle it on your own.If you go to the bathroom or nurse's office, they may be able to keep you company.Your friend might be able to take notes for you if you leave the classroom.It can be helpful to tell someone else that you don't feel good.

Step 8: Let your teacher know that your stomach hurts.

You can tell your teacher how you're feeling by raising your hand.It's important for you to let your teacher know that you don't feel well so they know you're not paying attention.You may be told that you can lay your head on your desk or see a nurse.Let the teacher know how long your stomach has been hurting or if it's getting worse."My stomach hasn't been feeling good since last class and I feel like I need to lay down."

Step 9: If you want to lie down, you should go to the nurse's office.

If you're still not feeling better after a trip to the bathroom or if your stomach is getting worse, then you should call the school nurse.If you're in a lot of pain, they might feel your abdomen and take your temperature.If you have a sharp pain in your lower abdomen that doesn't go away, the nurse may be concerned that it's appendicitis.

Step 10: If the pain doesn't go away after 2 hours, call a parent or guardian.

If you want to go home, you can call a parent or guardian.You will most likely stay in the nurse's office until someone picks you up.If your pain doesn't get better after you go home, your parent or guardian should call the doctor.If you ask a friend for help, make sure they can get assignments you'll miss.

Step 11: You should wash your hands frequently.

It's important to wash your hands with soapy water before you eat because germs can cause stomach ache.You should wash your hands after using the bathroom.

Step 12: If you are anxious about school, talk to someone.

If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of school or feel like you have no control, your anxiety may be causing stomach ache.You can talk about your worries with someone you trust.If you're anxious about school, you might have stomach pains throughout the week, but feel better on the weekend.

Step 13: Use relaxation.

If you know how to relax, you might be able to prevent stomach ache.Take slow, deep breaths and relax your body.While you wait for the pain to pass, focus on positive things that cheer you up.If you're at home, try to listen to calming music, stretch, or run.

Step 14: It is possible to prevent and manage stomach aches with the use of aromatherapy.

It is possible to keep calm with the help of aroma therapy.If you want to use a calming essential oil, try getting a scent Diffuser.There are some calming scents, such as Lavender Fennel Rose and Peppermint Cinnamon.

Step 15: A healthy diet includes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

You might become constipated if you eat a lot of processed food.Drink water throughout the day, and eat fresh produce and whole grains.You should check the expiration date if you don't know if the food has been spoiled.Don't take the risk if you cannot tell if the food is good.

Step 16: Don't drink or smoke.

Smoking, drinking, and consuming too much caffeine can cause stomach aches.If you have been suffering from frequent stomach aches and you smoke, drink, or drink caffeinated beverages, then that could be a problem.Right away, stop drinking and smoking.If you are having trouble stopping, you can ask for help from an adult.Try to stay away from coffee and tea that has a high level of caffeine.

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