How To Generate Photos for a wikiHow Article

Do you think step-by-step photos would improve the article?Many times photos improve an article.Don't worry if the question is "how to find them".There are ways to generate photos for an article.

Step 1: You can reuse other images from wikiHow.

It's a great way to find high-quality images that match the style of images found in other articles.

Step 2: Search on the internet.

If there are any appropriate pictures for your article, you can search the unused images.

Step 3: You can find images in the Commons.

We have permission from the sites to republish their content.If you type certain words in the search box, you can see if there are appropriate images for your article.You can give credit to the person who uploaded the images and the image source.

Step 4: Permission to use copyrighted images can be obtained with explicit written permission.

Most of the copyrighted images derive from searches on the internet.You have to email the owner of the image to get permission to use it.Before uploading the images, please forward the email to "permissions -at-"You have to include the owner's name and website in each submission.

Step 5: .

It's better to take the photos yourself if you know what the article is about and can take pictures that are relevant.When uploading the photos, choose "I made this myself and am willing to share it under the terms of use" from the licensing drop-down menu.

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