You can learn how to change your destination using the app on your phone.The final destination of a trip can be changed at any time by both passengers and drivers.This option is not available for rides.
Step 1: Let your driver know that you want to change destinations.
Before changing anything in the app, it is best to talk to the driver.If your new destination significantly changes the distance or time involved from what was previously agreed upon, they may not be able to accommodate the change.
Step 2: Inside the app, open up the trip in progress.
There is a black icon with a word on it.This will allow the ride-sharing service to enter the trip in progress.
Step 3: Pull the bar open with a tap at the bottom of the screen.
This option is not available on trips.
Step 4: The driver details are listed in the box containing other options.
One option lists the current destination, while others list current price and ask about "Riding with someone" or even an option to cancel the trip entirely.You're looking too far down the screen if you see another box such as "Save this destination" or read about the driver.
Step 5: The "add or change" button is to the right of the current intended destination.
Step 6: After you notice the box open to the new page, begin typing.
You can either type the item's name with or without cities or with a street address.It's a good idea to just search for the real intended destination when you've made a mistake and not just pop a manual pin in the map.If you need to make an additional stop, you can do that too.You can find that out by reading Add a Stop During a Ride.
Step 7: From the populated list, tap the intended destination.