How To Cancel a Scribd Subscription

You can learn how to cancel your Scribd membership on a computer, phone, or tablet.If you cancel your subscription at the beginning of the month, you will have access to all the perks until the end.

Step 1: There is a website at

You can use any website to access and cancel your account.If you're being billed through your credit card, you can use this method.This method is used if you're being billed through the App Store.Click at the top-right corner to sign in if you haven't already done so.

Step 2: Click on your icon or picture.

You can find a circular image or icon in the top left corner of your browser.

Step 3: Go to Account settings.

The second listing on the menu is usually this one.

Step 4: If you want to end my membership, click here.

Under the "Membership & Payment Details" is where you'll find the buttons.

Step 5: If you want to continue, click Continue.

You can see this at the bottom of the page, under your current library, what you're saving, and suggestions for other books and magazines.

Step 6: You can choose a reason for canceling.

A text box will expand when you click a reason.

Step 7: If you want to cancel, click submit and continue.

Under the list of reasons you're leaving Scribd, there's this.

Step 8: Click complete cancellation.

Pause your membership is an option you may be presented with.If you aren't going to use your account for a while, you might want to pause your membership.When you cancel your subscription, you will see a light blue notification that confirms the action and when it will end.You will get an email confirmation that you canceled the subscription.

Step 9: You can open settings on your device.

One of your home screens has a grey gear icon.If you are being billed for your Scribd subscription, use this method.It's common if you've signed up for an iPad.

Step 10: You can tap your name.

This is usually the first option in the list.If you don't see your name, you're not signed in to the cloud.

Step 11: There are tap Subscriptions.

"Payment & Shipping" is what you should see.If you don't see the button, you can find it by tapping "iTunes & App Store" instead.You can see "Subscriptions" after you enter your Apple ID password.

Step 12: You can subscribe to the Scribd subscription.

When the subscription ends, the details page will load.

Step 13: Follow the on-screen instructions to Cancel Subscription.