To get the cheapest shipping from the USA to South Africa, select slower delivery methods like Planet Mail Express or USPS.
How much does it cost to ship to South Africa USPS?
Weight Price Service
------ ------- --------------------------------
1lb $60.93 USPS Priority Mail International
5lb $89.57 USPS Priority Mail International
10lb $105.87 Worldwide Expedited Drop Off
20lb $197.11 USPS Priority Mail International
How long does FedEx take to deliver to South Africa from USA?
Transit time is 8-10 working days, backed up by the FedEx money-back guarantee.
How long does shipping from USA to South Africa take?
Shipping to South Africa from the USA can take as little as 1-3 business days for an expedited courier service or up to 18 business days for an economy service.
How long do DHL international deliveries take?
DHL Express is one of our fastest international delivery services, providing a delivery time of 1-6 business days for most major destinations.
How long do parcels take to clear customs in South Africa?
The estimated time that it takes for an exported package to clear South African customs is 5 days. The imported items could take three or more days to clear customs.
Is USPS shipping to South Africa?
To ship a package to South Africa with USPS, save yourself time and money by booking USPS Priority Mail International or USPS Priority Mail Express International online with Parcel Monkey. Simply print and attach your shipping labels at home, then drop off your package at your local USPS Post Office.
How long does USPS take to deliver to SA?
Letters generally take two days within the same town or city to reach their destination, three days between two cities in the same province, and four days between cities in different provinces. It takes ten days for an air-mail item abroad and between two and three months for a surface-mail item to a country abroad.
How long does UPS take to ship to South Africa?
Is UPS currently shipping to South Africa?
UPS operations continue, with daily collections and deliveries, except where constrained by government restrictions.