The shortest distance (air line) between Texas and Indiana is 990.99 mi (1,594.84 km).
How many hours is from Indiana to Texas?
How long is the drive from Indiana to Texas? The total driving time is 15 hours, 19 minutes.
How far is Indiana from Dallas Texas by plane?
Flight distance from Indianapolis to Dallas (Indianapolis International Airport Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport) is 761 miles / 1225 kilometers / 661 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 1 hour 56 minutes.
How long is a flight from me to Texas?
The total flight duration from Maine to Texas is 4 hours, 5 minutes.
How much are tickets from Indiana to Texas?
Low season August
------------------------ ------
Cheapest flight $41
Average price round-trip $236
Good deal round-trip $48
Good deal one-way $25
How much is a flight from Indiana to Dallas?
What are the cheapest flights from Indiana to Dallas? The cheapest flight price from Indiana to Dallas is $83. On average you can expect to pay $443. The most popular route, (Indianapolis - Dallas/Fort Worth), can usually be booked for $86.
How long is a flight from Indiana to Texas?
The total flight duration from Indiana to Texas is 2 hours, 16 minutes.
Distance between Dallas, TX (DFW) and Indianapolis, IN (IND) Flight distance from Dallas to Indianapolis (Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Indianapolis International Airport) is 761 miles / 1225 kilometers / 661 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 1 hour 56 minutes.
How much does it cost from Texas to Indiana?
The round trip cost would be $255.30 to go from Texas to Indiana and back to Texas again. Regular fuel costs are around $3.03 per gallon for your trip.
How many hours is it from Indiana to Dallas?
Journey Duration Airline
--------- ------------------ -----------------
IND ➝ DFW 2 hours 10 minutes US Airways
IND ➝ DFW 2 hours 10 minutes American Airlines
IND ➝ DFW 2 hours 30 minutes Qantas
How long does it take to get to Indiana from Dallas?
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How long does it take to fly from Indiana to California?
Flying time from Indiana to California The total flight duration from Indiana to California is 4 hours, 10 minutes.
How long does it take to get to Indiana from LA?
How long is the drive from Los Angeles, CA to Indianapolis, IN? The total driving time is 30 hours, 4 minutes.