Distance between New Orleans, LA (MSY) and Philadelphia, PA (PHL) Flight distance from New Orleans to Philadelphia (Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport Philadelphia International Airport) is 1088 miles / 1752 kilometers / 946 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 2 hours 33 minutes.
How far is New Orleans from Pennsylvania by plane?
The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from Pennsylvania to New Orleans, LA ("as the crow flies"), which is about 1,028 miles or 1 655 kilometers.
What are the best days to travel around Christmas?
Day Worst Time Best Time
------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
Thursday, Dec. 23 noon-6 p.m. After 7 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 24 - CHRISTMAS EVE 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Before 1 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 25 - CHRISTMAS minimal congestion expected minimal congestion expected
Sunday, Dec. 26 1 p.m.-7 p.m. Before noon
What are the cheapest days to fly over Christmas?
- Wednesday, December 15.
- Tuesday, December 21.
- Friday, December 24.
- Saturday, December 25.
- Tuesday, December 28.
Which airlines offer direct flights to Florence? British Airways, Iberia, Vueling Airlines and BA Cityflyer all fly direct to Florence.
Who flies direct to male from UK?
The average flight time between United Kingdom and Malé (Maldives's capital), is 10 hours and 20 minutes. This has been calculated based on journeys departing from London. Which airlines offer direct flights to Maldives? Iberia, British Airways, Air Canada and SriLankan Airlines all fly direct to Maldives.
What is the longest flight from Philadelphia?
Destinations & flights The two longest flights are Philadelphia (PHL) to Doha (DOH) that takes around 12 hours and 20 minutes and Philadelphia (PHL) to Athens (ATH) with a flight time of 9 hours and 50 minutes.
What's the shortest flight you can take?
The world's shortest flight of less than 2 minutes is between Westray and Papa Westray. If the wind flow is right, passengers can travel between these regions in just 47 seconds. The alternative to this 1.7-mile flight will be a rocky boat ride, which takes around 20 minutes.
How long is a plane ride from Philadelphia to Florida?
Flying time from Philadelphia, PA to Florida The total flight duration from Philadelphia, PA to Florida is 2 hours, 9 minutes. This is the average in-air flight time (wheels up to wheels down on the runway) based on actual flights taken over the past year, including routes like PHL to MCO.