How do you make a dry erase calendar?

How do you make a dry erase calendar?

How do you make a glass dry erase board?

How do I make a dry erase calendar with my Cricut?

Does glass work as a dry erase board?

It turns out that you can use glass as a dry erase board. Dry erase markers don't stain glass since it is not porous, which makes it a perfect canvas. Dry erase markers come off glass very easily, you can use, e.g., a paper towel.

How do you get a whiteboard off glass?

It's best to use a mild detergent or cleaning solution, as glass shouldn't require too harsh of chemicals. Avoid allowing the board to be in a room with extreme temperature changes, since this can lead to thermal fracture. Use a soft cloth or towel to clean the board.Jul 27, 2012