How can I cancel my subscription? While we are disappointed to hear you want to cancel, our team is available to assist by calling Customer Service at 1-888-426-6388 and saying, "discontinue delivery."
How much does the Sunday Journal Sentinel cost?
In addition to the $67 per month, subscribers will pay taxes and premium-edition charges, the price-increase letter said. Many subscribers don't pay the full seven-day amount because they receive the print edition only on Wednesdays and Sundays while others are digital-only subscribers.
Call 1-844-900-7103 and give offer code W-7K to subscribe now. Includes full access on your desktop, tablet, and mobile devices every day.
When did Milwaukee Journal and Sentinel merge?
Who owns the Journal Sentinel?
How much does the Sunday Milwaukee Journal Sentinel cost?
Monthly Subscription. $6.99 $5.00 By signing up, you agree to the Kindle Store terms. After your free trial, you will be charged $5.00 for the first month of your subscription. After that, your subscription will automatically renew at $6.99 per month until you cancel.
Who sells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel?
Gannett Co. Inc.
Is Milwaukee Journal Sentinel?
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. The current publication is itself a result of the 1995 merger of two separate newspapers, the Milwaukee Sentinel, a morning paper, and the Milwaukee Journal, an afternoon paper.
When did the Milwaukee Journal begin?
How do I access the Milwaukee Journal archives?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Historic archives for the Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee Journal and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel are now available through the Milwaukee Public Library and remotely at Questions about accessing the archive should be directed to the library's reference desk.
How much does the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel cost?
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: The Journal Sentinel app is free to download and all users can access a sampling of free articles every month. For unlimited access to all content, subscribe now and get 3 months for just 99¢ per month ($9.99/month after), or $69.99 annually.