Has deben stopped making ferret finders?

Do you need a Ferret Finder?

As all ferreters know, or at least should do, the ferret finder is invaluable as it finds your ferrets and just as important, finds them with the endless supply of rabbits trying to out-wit the ferret in those elusive stop ends.

Has deben stopped making ferret finders?

There are a lot of people now aware that Deben have ceased making Ferret Finders and are not planning to manufacture them in the future. They will continue to do warranty claims and conduct repairs on them.

Can ferrets be used for hunting?

A jill (female ferret) is more typically used in a hunt than a hob (male ferret). Hunters can also have the ferret chase the rabbit into a net; long nets can be used, but purse nets are more commonly associated with ferreting. Some hunters now rely on firearms or dogs to take the prey, rather than laying down nets.

What is a ferret finder collar?

You can make your ferret's collar alarm so you can easily find them in the house with your phone. Your phone will also alarm you if the ferret goes out of range. Set up different alarms and names for each collar connected to your mobile device to be able to keep track of your entire family of ferrets.

How do you use a Ferret Finder?


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