Does FedEx deliver state to state?

Does FedEx deliver state to state?

FedEx Home Delivery delivers throughout all 50 states.

How does FedEx transport packages from state to state?

To take care of this wide range of shipping choices, FedEx uses planes, delivery trucks and trains. Custom-critical service allows for precise scheduling and climate control, as well as air charter service, if necessary.

How do I know if FedEx delivers to my address?

With your tracking number, you can access the delivery city and signature information by clicking on the 'Track' button on If you need further detailed delivery information, please call FedEx Customer Service at 800 FedEx (800 33339).

Does FedEx deliver on Saturdays in Washington?

Yes, FedEx Home Delivery is an every-day delivery service, including Saturdays and Sundays with weekend delivery to most residential locations.

How do I send a FedEx message?

It's as easy as sending an SMS. Simply SMS “TRACK” followed by tracking number (e.g. “TRACK 123456789012”) to 9880971255, and FedEx will respond with your shipment's status. There are no sign-ups or extra steps involved.

Does FedEx have live customer service?

FedEx Customer Service. Representatives are available online Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST, excluding holidays. * Denotes required fields. Please fill out the fields above, type your question in the box below, and click "Chat now" to proceed.

Who do I call if my package was not delivered FedEx?

Calling customer care service at (800) 463-3339 and saying track my package.

How do I contact FedEx to complain?

To file a complaint, please call customer support at 1.800. GoFedEx 1.800. 463.3339.

What time FedEx deliver near me?

8 AM to 8 PM

How do I know what time FedEx will deliver?

How do I know what time my FedEx® package will arrive? To get an estimated delivery time, you can use your tracking number, door tag number, or FedEx Office order number to track your package. If you don't have one of those numbers, you can use any reference number related to your package, or any purchase order number.

Can I live track FedEx?

You can track your package. to get status information with near real-time tracking and see an an estimated delivery time window for eligible shipments. Or if you'd like more visibility, use FedEx Delivery Manager®.

What is the average delivery time for FedEx?

Delivery within the contiguous U.S. takes 1–5 business days. Shipping to and from Alaska and Hawaii requires 3–7 business days. Check transit times. FedEx Ground has a money-back guarantee.

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