The IMEI number can be used to verify the legitimacy of a phone. Often counterfeit models won't have an IMEI number or use a fake one. If you are viewing the phone in person then you can find the IMEI number on the product packaging, under the phone's battery or by pressing *06 on the phone.
Can someone clone my phone remotely?
But if someone is able to remove the SIM card and place it in a SIM reader for a few minutes, they can copy all its identifying credentials to load onto a blank SIM. ... Though rarely used, this flaw could in theory allow hackers to remotely clone a SIM. Some older phones are more vulnerable to remote attacks.Mar 30, 2020
Is there a way to tell if your phone has been cloned?
You can usually find out whether someone has made a clone of your cellphone by paying close attention to the behaviors of the phone itself. The most immediate sign is in your cellphone bill. ... A sudden influx of wrong number calls and disappearing voicemails are also signs that someone may have cloned your number.Dec 3, 2018