Does a tie and pocket square have to match?

Does a tie and pocket square have to match?

There's no steadfast rule for choosing a pocket square. It should simply complement your shirt and tie, not match them. If it looks right and feels right, walk out the door.10 May 2013

How do you combine pocket square and tie?

Are pocket squares professional?

Some people have a perception of the type of occasion around when to wear a pocket square, i.e. formal and worn with a James Bond style suit and tie. On the contrary, pocket squares can be a casual accessory which adds a touch of flair to an open shirt and jacket combination.5 days ago

What is the point of a pocket square?

Less simply put: you use a handkerchief to blow your nose, mop up spills, or even just to dab the sweat off your brow. A pocket square's function is style it can be used to express your creativity, to create a dapper 1920s feel, or simply to add a pop of color to an otherwise drab suit.

Is a pocket square necessary?

Although it might seem like an easy way to coordinate your outfit, matching your pocket square and tie or bow tie is a definite no-no in modern dress. Instead, the purpose of the pocket square is to complement the rest of your look: either by harmonising or contrasting with your other accessories.15 May 2020

Is it okay to wear a suit without a pocket square?

Firstly, a suit is a more formal option than a stand-alone jacket, therefore you will often be wearing it in a more formal environment. Therefore, the safest choice is to wear a plain or very lightly patterned square like the one below.15 May 2020

What material should pocket squares be?

When in doubt, white cotton or linen is the safest bet for your pocket square fabric. You can never go wrong adding it to the suit and white shirt combo. Depending on the fold you choose, it can look either formal or casual. It should go without saying that your pocket square needs to be clean and ironed.

What is the ideal pocket square size?

What is the best size for a pocket square? Pocket squares typically range in size from just under 10 x 10 inches to about 17 x 17 inches, depending on the fabric used. Thicker materials are generally easier to fold in smaller sizes; however, thinner materials require a larger size so that they don't lose their shape.14 Aug 2021