Finding the Serial Number That said, most Coach bags have a number on them. If you look inside a purse, you'll usually see a "creed," a small rectangular sewn-on leather patch. At the bottom will usually appear the word "No.," (the abbreviation for "number,") plus an embossed and possibly also inked number.
How do you read a Coach serial number?
- The first digit, a letter, is the code for the month when the bag was made.
- The next digit (which later became two digits) is the year it was made.
- The final digit is the code for the plant where the bag was made.
- Dash, plus.
- The style number.
Where can I check authenticity of a Coach?
Coach does not offer authentication services, and according to their website, will not authenticate handbags or other merchandise, nor will they determine whether serial numbers match actual Coach items. They encourage customers to only buy from authorized Coach retailer to ensure they are purchasing an authentic bag.
Is Coach considered high end?
Coach has never been considered a high end handbag. Coach has always been a middle-class to upper-middle-class handbag. For awhile it had solid preppy cred as a bag carried by lots of working professional women.