Plenty of Fish has a zero-tolerance policy for any abuse whether it's in your profile or a message reported by another member. If you're found to be harassing, or disrespectful to other users, or you have content on your profile that is racist, violent, rude, or abusive, you will be deleted and banned.2020-08-25
Can you have 2 POF accounts?
Do not create multiple accounts on Plenty of Fish, unless permission has been granted by our Customer Support Service staff. Inclusive of this, do not attempt to use an account that isn't yours.
How do I know if my POF account has been flagged?
If your profile shows up in the search results, this means that POF has hidden your profile. On the other hand, if the profile doesn't pop up, it's been removed. Another way you can check if your profile has been deleted is by going through the messages you exchanged.2020-10-08