An electric oven can be cleaned.

There are slightly different cleaning requirements for electric and gas ovens.The methods of cleaning the ovens are the same.If your oven has this setting, you can choose the self-cleaning option or use a commercial oven cleaner for a clean oven in less than an hour.No matter what method you choose, you can turn a dirty electric oven into a sparkling clean one. Step 1: Take everything out of the oven. Remove the baking dishes from the oven and set them aside for now.Before you start, your oven needs to be completely empty.Plugging your oven will reduce the risk of shock. Step 2: Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses. Thin vinyl or latex gloves are not good for you.Put on a pair of protective eyewear.Oven cleaner can burn you or cause serious damage if it gets onto your skin or eyes.To protect the skin on your arms, wear an old long sleeve shirt. Step 3: There is a newspaper on the floor. If the cleaner drips onto the floors, they may be damaged.Before you start, put a few pieces of newspaper on the floor in front of the oven.An old towel will work. Step 4: The oven cleaner should be sprayed inside the oven. The oven cleaner should be sprayed behind the heating elements.The sides, top, bottom, and back of the oven should be coated by the cleaner.Shut the oven after spraying the inside of the door.After spraying the oven, set a timer for 30 minutes. Step 5: Place the racks in the garbage bags. Place the oven racks on the ground in your driveway.The oven racks should be sprayed with the oven cleaner.Put the rack in the garbage bag.The spray cleaner will work if the rack is left outside for 30 minutes. Step 6: After 30 minutes, wipe the inside of the oven with a damp rag. Once the time is over, use a rag with water to clean the inside of the oven.Keep wiping as you wring out the excess water from the rag.Gloves and eye protection are important for the entire process.Continue until you have removed the oven cleaner. Step 7: It's stuck on grease and you have to use a scouring pad. Some of the grease may be stuck in your oven.If you want to scrub at these areas, use a scouring pad.If you have extra greasy spots, you may need to repeat this a few times. Step 8: Return the racks to the oven. Remove the racks from the trash bag once they have been sitting for 30 minutes.After rinsing the oven cleaner, pat them dry with a clean towel.After you're done, return the clean oven racks to the oven.Enjoy your oven! Step 9: Remove everything from the inside of the oven. It's a good idea to unplug your oven before you clean it.All of the pans, baking dishes, and oven racks need to be taken out. Step 10: Baking soda and water can be mixed to make a paste. A paste can be made out of 12 cup of baking soda and 3 TBS of water.Put the ingredients in a bowl. Step 11: Spread the paste over the inside of the oven. You can spread the paste over the inside of the oven by putting on a pair of rubber gloves.It should be spread on every surface.If you need to coat the sides, top, bottom, back, and inside of the oven door, make more paste.When you're done, close the oven door. Step 12: You can put the baking soda paste in your sink or bathtub. The small rack should fit in the kitchen sink.You may need to put the racks in the bathtub if they are medium to large.Spread the paste over the wire racks with your fingers. Step 13: Wait at least 10 to 12 hours before removing the baking soda. For the next 10 to 12 hours, place the baking soda on the surfaces of the oven and wire racks.It won't have time to work if you try to remove it sooner. Step 14: The baking soda can be removed using a damp rag. After the time is over, put on your gloves and wet a rag or dishcloth with water and wring out the excess.Remove the baking soda from the inside of your oven by wiping it clean with a rag.Remove the baking soda from the oven and put it in a plastic bag.You can use a spatula to loosen baking soda paste. Step 15: If there is any remaining baking soda, wipe it away. If you still have spots in your oven that are covered in baking soda, you can spray them with vinegar.Baking soda will foam.It will be easier to wipe up the remaining baking soda if the grease is loosened.As needed, repeat this all over the inside of the oven. Step 16: Return the racks to the oven after rinsing them. The inside of the oven can be difficult to clean.Run water and rinse away the baking soda.It's important to do this over your sink or bathtub.Put them back into the oven after you dry them off.A spray attachment is helpful. Step 17: The items need to be removed from the oven. When you are ready to clean the racks, put them in the sink or bathtub.Pans, foil, and other items should be taken out of the oven as well.You can clean small rack in your kitchen sink if you have large ones. Step 18: Go to the self-clean feature and close the oven. Remove everything from the oven door.Go to the self-clean button and turn it on.The self-cleaning cycle of your oven should start immediately.The oven should be left closed for the duration of the cycle.The oven cycles last about 2 hours. Step 19: The oven is self-cleaning. During the self- clean cycle, the oven may smoke.To keep the smoke out of the kitchen, open a couple of windows and run a fan.Shut off your oven if the smoke gets too much.If there is a fire or excessive smoke, it is best to stay home while the oven self- cleans to make sure you are there. Step 20: To clean the oven racks, use a damp cloth. Warm, soapy water can be used to scrub the oven racks.You can use a damp cloth to remove the grease from the rack.Remove the soap from the rack.If the racks are dirty, you might want to apply baking soda to them and then wipe them clean. Step 21: After the oven cools, remove the ash from the bottom. Open the oven after the clean cycle is over.There will be ash on the bottom of the oven.Wet a rag or dishcloth with water.To remove the ash from the bottom of the oven, use the cloth.The ash should not be left in the oven.It will smell bad when you use your oven.

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